Chap: 4 Introducing him

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Zevius's POV

I woke up rubbing my face as someone tickling my face. I cocked my head to my left side and saw a pair of blue eyes staring at me.

"Good morning, babe", Vic greeted me.

" Morning ", I mumbled turning to my right side putting my pillow on my head.

" Wake up, babe. Otherwise you will be late for office ", she said snatched away the pillow from my head.

"I think that none of your concern", I said under my breath sitting up. But she heard me.

" You are being rude, Zev", she snapped.

"Nope. I am not being rude. I am like that. It's my nature", I said coldly getting off the bed.

" Why are u behaving like this to me. For God's sake I am your fiancee Zev", she exclaimed standing before me one foot away.

I scoffed. " Yeah finance", I said heading towards the bathroom for a warm shower.

I stripped down my clothes then hopped into the bathtub and relaxed. The warm water doing a great job by warming me up.

I closed my eyes. The past of my life popping out in my mind. The dark past haunting me everywhere like predator.

You are thinking I am rude, arrogant. But trust me I don't know what I am. I think I am a man with no emotion like a stone. My heart froze when the curse power got into me. I don't like it but I had no other choice. I am the miserable guy in this world. At least I am sure that this thinking is right.

I suffered 3 years in my life in a dark room. There was no one to console me. My father wanted but couldn't.
Maybe that was my fate  to suffer. My mother left because of that. What a bitch!! Anyway she didn't love me like a mother should love her child. She was just a tag in my life. She was a total coward who left his child at his worse.

Thinking that blood boil in my vain. Unintentionally my hand hit with the wall with a loud thud.

"Zev, are you there? What was that sound?", Vic asked knocked the door.

" I am fine Vic!!   Leave me alone!!" I snapped.

Then I heard her footsteps fading away.

I know I was being harsh but I had no other choice I don't know but I don't like being around her.

We were engaged but that was by our fathers. Not me she was my best friend in high school and also my father's business partners daughter. I saw her as my friend not as my life partner but dad did the damage and I would never forgave him for that.

The first place I didn't  accept it but slowly I had to accept there cause I had no other choice. Vic liked me and I knew that. But I didn't like her. I just care for her for my business reputation. That's the honest statement of mine.

She was the highschool queen and I was the popular guy. She was my bestfriend for  me but she wanted more.

She proposed me but I refused. But she didn't back off.

She wanted me to get jealous and for that she started sleeping around. But man I didn't give a fuck. I was waiting for my mate who I would give my love, all attention. But moon goddess had other plan. She blessed me with a curse wolf who was destined to be hated.

My wolf was dark. He was a monster. He took my everything from me. My happiness, my joy.

Three years I locked my self in the basement. I roared, broke every single furniture in my house like a tornado.

My wolf changed me. Then I was a happy child now I am a beast in a human body. Then I was a jolly teenager now I am a killer.

Yeah you heard it right. A killer. I killed over 100 people in this city. When I first shifted I became rest less.
I went out of the house and killed people then dragged their body in my house. But when I shifted in my human form then I cried before the dead bodies. Dad noticed it in the first place and tried to stop me but it was vain.

He travelled country to country for my cure. Then at last he met a witch. She said it was moon goddess 's wish. But her intention was fully mysterious from everyone.  I don't know why she did that. I didn't do anything to her then why me.

Now I don't feel anything inside me.
My tears had dried. My eyes were like Sahara dessert. The witch's told that maybe I wouldn't be able to find my mate. It broke me. I saved myself for my mate but she didn't even exist. Huh. What a lucky man I am.

I gave up the hope finding mate. Now I engaged to Vic. I know she still liked me even maybe love me but I couldn't love her back. It was my fate. I don't deserve anyone's love on the other side I don't love. That feeling washed off my heart long time ago.

I got out of the shower  put a towel around my waist and dried my hair with other towel.

I walked into my room. Vic was nowhere to be seen.
I opened my closet took a white shirt and my blue armani suit.

I took off the towel put on my boxer then threw on my official attire.

I stood before the mirror combed my hair then wore my Rolex.

I headed to the downstairs and saw Vic was making breakfast . When she felt my presence didn't say anything.

I shrugged it off and took a chair sat on it.

She was not talking to me. I knew she was upset about my early behaviour but I don't care. It was her fault disturbing my sleep and  mental peace.

I checked my email then started to answer some.
I heard some noise ten looked up see Vic sat beside me with two plates. She put a plate before me with full of salad and an omelet . I put my iPhone  into my pocket.

I took my fork and started eating.
We had our breakfast in silence.

I noticed Vic's gaze burning hole on my head  but  I didn't look up.
I knew eventually she will talk with me. So I didn't take it  seriously in my mind.

After having breakfast headed to the entrance then Vic called out.

" Yeah", I turned to her direction.

"Good bye. Have a safe journey ", she said smiled that didn't reach her eyes.

" Yeah, Bye", I said got into the car.
Driver closed the door hoped onto his seat then started  driving.


Hello, peaches!!!!

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