Yep... Still Hate People!

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(A/N: I know it's been quite a long time since I updated, but I'm back in full force now! Time to rant my heart out and get these damn books DONE.)

"Dear Fat People is such a true video!"

"Michael Brown deserved to be shot dead! All colored people are worthless."

"We like need war."

My God I Hate People...

First and For-most:

shut the fuck up you half wit, inbreed, moronic barbarian.

Now that that's out of the way I'd like to touch on the fact that so many things has happened since I last updated. Good things like states passing laws for pet stores to only sell stray dogs, less stupid people sending me ridicules stories and asking for advice, and the beach..*clears throat*....Anyway.

So much stupid stuff like that chick that made 'Dear Fat People'. Like does she have any fucking brain cells in her fake ass barbie head? How stupid do you have to be?

She says:

"Being fat causes Heart Disease!"

Then says:

"This isn't mean't to offend anyone with Heart Disease."

Bitch your the definition of a moronic half wit. TAKE A FUCKING SEAT SOMEWHERE. Dumb-ass you didn't break the internet with comedy, you broke it by causing outrage. As a professional dancer I do work my ass off to stay in shape, but you don't see me complaining about not having a damn go-kart to ride in on the airport like you bitch... Just because some family that is plus size got one. No, I'm more worried about world peace and ending stupidity at large.

Sometimes I wish natural selection would pick up it's pace.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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