Writers Block

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Now usually I rant about people, but this time. I'm suffering from a well known illness.. "Writer's Block" and it fucking sucks.

My God I Hate Writer's Block...

You know the feeling that you just can't form a single fucking idea for your books? It's like some fucking retarded ass voice is in the back of your head taunting:

"Haha you fucking retard! You can't even get three sentances out!"

and I'm usually saying:

"Die. Die. Die. Die Bitch. Die."

Like always it doesn't go away! I mean I couldn't even think of a god damn RANT. A lot of things tick me off and I couldn't even form a thought for one.

Then there's the ways people think you could get over it:

"Just write!"

My God I Hate People...  YOU FUCKING DIB-SHIT! I CAN'T!

"Take a break and find something that inspires you!" 

Did you stop to think that maybe I already tried that you moron?

"Listen to more music!"

You fucking idiot, I listen to music everyday.

So yeah.. I fucking hate writers block.

My God I Hate People...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt