Fucking Backstabbing Asshole.. Did I Mention "Fan"?

326 28 15

"A book cover isn't going to kill you!"

"It was on WeHeartit! I didn't know!"

"Now I know I can jump off a bridge!"

My God I Hate People...

You know the moments where you think life is going perfect? You finally got all your shit under control? Making friends faster then you can say "My God I Hate People...", because your starting to not actually hate almost every living being on the face of this world?

I do.

And an hour ago I would have said that I have no reason to keep ranting, that the book ended a chapter ago. But no, there is always one person who brings that hate right back up the the surface. Lights the flames that cause me to boil over again. You know who you are... Let's let the world know who you are shall we? She's right up there under dedicated... Oh wait.. She had the audicity to actually block me. Well her username is @I_HarryStyles

"Why do you hate her so much Rain? She seems innocent enough!"

Four months ago I had gotten a follow from a seemingly cool person. After thanking her for following and welcoming her to my fandom, she inboxed me saying my books were amazing and could I promo her. Of course I said yes, I mean it wouldn't hurt right?


About a week or more ago, I ordered a graphic from a designer here on wattpad. A very simple cover to go to a story I put on hold. The story being "Chasing Feathers". One I had written in memory of my deceased Grandfather whom passed from cancer almost three years ago.

It reminded me of him.

It means a lot.

So I get a inbox saying hi from her and I respond hello. Going onto her profile I see a book labled "Chasing Freathers" with MY FUCKING COVER. 


Being me I confront her (she lies about where she got it from of course) and it blows up into epic porportions envolving my friends. Not to mention a pity party and somehow making me the bad guy and my friends the goons.

I wonder how I could ever stop hating stupidity?

My God I Hate People...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें