Prompt 1: The beam of light

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From this one sentence, create a short story.
Caught in a beam of light, a woman stands before a man veiled in shadows."

Charlie never meant to do it, but he did. He couldn't stop. It was just... something about her.


It was around ten p.m. when he stumbled out of the most draining job on the planet; restocking shelves with people's unwanted garbage at Value Village. Crusty old boots, records from bands no one had ever heard of, dinged up VHS tapes that even if the tracking was adjusted, the picture still wasn't clear... everything was accepted at the Value Village no matter what. And it was always hell sorting through the bins. But now was Charlie's escape. He was free to go home and get six hours of sleep before he'd have to get up and do it all over again the next morning.

It didn't take long to find his beat-up black Mustang in the parking lot; aside from a few other cars, his was the only one there. Rain beat down on the hood and windshield as Charlie got in to start it, greeted with "Every Kind Of People" by Robert Palmer instantly playing on the faulty radio. Since it was so dark, he switched on the high beams and started down the road, music hard to hear over the pouring rain. It didn't help that it was foggy as well, creating a well-brewed mess for Charlie to endure. He sighed to himself and began to drive slower, wanting to make sure he could get home safely.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a pale figure of a woman dressed in nothing but a white evangelical robe stood in the middle of the road, looking nonchalant. Thankfully, Charlie was able to stop his car before hitting her. Her well-rounded face was celestial, framed by golden curls that ended just atop her shoulders. A single strand of hair seemed to fall just in front of her left eye, one you could move out of the way with one fell swoop. Piercing blue hues stared at Charlie, almost beckoning him to move closer. He had never seen this woman before in his life, but he felt like he knew her. He gently placed his foot onto the gas pedal and inched towards the strange girl. His high beams cast a sweet, pale light onto her body of a matching colour quite nicely, blending in like a soft piano song in a lounge. It seemed to make her shine. She paused, smiling, as she ran her lithe fingers through soft hair. She urged him closer and closer, testing Charlie with his limits.

Just as he thought he had himself under control, his foot laid on the gas pedal a little too hard and the car went straight for the girl, striking her. It was strange to him... she didn't move. A sudden bump under his car paired with a cherry red wash of fresh blood across the windshield caused him to slam the car door open and get out to investigate. Where was she? Was she okay?

He looked... there was no body in sight.

Creative Writing: All of the short stories I wrote in my senior year of collegeWhere stories live. Discover now