Prompt 5: Hate

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Jot down five things you hate, then pick one and make a story about it."

5 things I hate: Carrots, new rap music, Friends (the show), alcohol, bugs.

Nothing Hunter liked to eat was healthy. He surrounded himself in chocolate, Kraft mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, cookies, ice cream... nothing to help him grow up to be big and strong. Well, he had already grown up... he was 20, and his mother always reprimanded him for eating what she called junk. Nothing but junk. Because of his eating habits, Hunter was, of course, overweight, and didn't understand why. He always took the dogs for a walk before breakfast and before dinner time, yet he was still heavy. That was exercise, wasn't it? He questioned himself every day as to why he wasn't losing, but instead gaining. Wasn't exercise good for you?

Well, weeks passed and he didn't know what to do with himself. He didn't want to instantly start eating healthy in suspicion that his body would end up going all out of wack or something like it, because Hunter introduced a new diet. What he was going to do was start it out slowly and hopefully get to where he wanted to be. Sitting on the counter was a fresh brown paper bag of healthy groceries... his mother had just gotten back from the shops and had hopped into the shower soon after. Was this Hunter's perfect time to strike? Maybe. He got up and began scouring the bag... broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, yuck. He didn't want a salad. But sitting at the bottom of the bag was a small bag of those little orange veiny things that grew in the dirt... baby carrots. He knew they were best served with a dip, so he paired them with ranch and sat down, staring at his snack. Was Hunter really going to do this? The orange colour of the carrots looked so fake... but the crunch was amazing. They tasted so fresh, so clean. Dipped in ranch was a perfect little dream where the coolness of the ranch and the freshness of the carrot blended together to create the perfect beast... a healthy snack. And Hunter loved it.

Creative Writing: All of the short stories I wrote in my senior year of collegeWhere stories live. Discover now