Prompt 6: Who is it?

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Try and write a story about someone without using their name. Can we guess who it is?"

The building he lived in was quite shabby... a crumbling foundation, cracked windows, crusty carpets... but he didn't mind. Finally having a place on his own was just one of the things he wanted in life. Well, another was a proper partner, but none of the ones he went for wanted him in return. They thought he was weird, quiet, standoffish... but he didn't understand why. He didn't see himself in that way. He saw himself as a proper gentleman who only wanted the best for his chosen partner, even if he didn't know how to show that. He wasn't the best at social interactions, nor making friends... the ones he made friends with only felt sorry for him, they didn't actually like him. He had had enough. All he wished for was someone to love, someone to hold and call his own. Someone to touch and kiss and be with forever. And tonight, he was going to get that wish.

The bar he chose to frequent was full of drunk young boys, all at least twenty, some eighteen, some thirty. After scanning the perimeter for a proper candidate and finding no one, he decided to make his way in, immersing himself into the dim red light, smooth jazz music, and smell of booze. He didn't mind that smell because it reminded him of formaldehyde, a scent he was a little too used to. How else was he to clean and sanitise his apartment after a job well done? His apartment was always spotless after every night... he didn't want anyone finding anything suspicious. Tonight, he thought... he was going to do the unthinkable. He needed to find himself someone, anyone, and engage in sexual intercourse. It had been so long... and an attractive, young black man was glancing at him from across the room. Dare he strike up a conversation, or just invite him over? He could always offer him money to pose for pictures like he did with all of his other-

"Oh, hello." He spoke, suddenly being approached by this young man. Any possible thought process had flown out the window upon realisation that he was being talked to for the first time in what felt like months. After a few drinks and many words exchanged by the two, the black man accepted the offer to go home with him. Oh what a wonderful feeling... he had began to forget what it was like to have a partner... and maybe this one would stay! Only time could tell before they got back to the apartment, and he offered his new mate a drink, spiking it with seven crushed sleeping pills. He was going to make this last forever, no matter what happened. It didn't take long for the pills to kick in and his mate began to slow, eyelids heavying. Oh boy, this was going right to plan! Perfect! How should he celebrate? Hm... well, how could he get his new mate to stay with him?

He suddenly knew. What had he done the past few times? Strangulation, of course! That always worked! That way, the body could never run off! With a twisted grin, he began to wrap his lithe fingers around his... victim's... neck, creating a third. The other two had already been chopped up, beheaded, and stored in the refrigerator... but this one was special. He'd get to have fun with this one. After a quick slit to the throat to make sure the body was fully dead, he dragged him to the bathroom, laying his new friend in the tub where the other two dismemberments took place. The floor was draped with blood caked towels, used to be white but now pink or red. What an eyecatching colour they had been dyed... it almost matched the tiny splatters on the carpet from earlier. Those would later be cleaned with the formaldehyde, and then dissolve the skin in a metal drum of acid, which was strategically placed next to the refrigerator. He didn't actually know what formaldehyde was used for, but it helped to clean up stains and blood so that was what he used. Plus, he thought it had a wonderful, familiar smell. An inviting smell, just like home. Once he dissolved the body, receiving the skull was his favourite part. He had the other two sitting like prizes on top of the mantle, right above his never used fireplace... they looked so beautiful there, really pulling the room together.

Now, there were three... and he wouldn't stop at that, not until he was satisfied. And no one knew when that would be.

Creative Writing: All of the short stories I wrote in my senior year of collegeWhere stories live. Discover now