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There is a beautiful sunset two soul mates were just meeting for the first time. Leo and Charlie were sitting on the grass and hugging tight
"do you remember you have a system? " Charlie breaks the silence.
"Yes, we agreed that if we don't write back for 3 days it means that something happened. We determined it when I told you that I am persecuted, only you know about it"Leo sighs.
"Well now it's not just me I had to say to Brooke and  mother  to get here, so why didn't you write  so long?" Charlie asks Leo staring into his eyes.
"Oh Charlie, so the stalker took my phone and discovered that I took a photo of him, he gave me it back, but he forbade me to contact you, he threatened to kill you." Leo started to cry again
"Oh Leo." Charlie sighs hugging him tightly. "He wouldn't kill me he's afraid of me."
Charlie looks at Leo with sad eyes when he notices how pale he looked.
"Leo are you okay?" Charlie asks worrying more and more.
"Honestly not the best my head hurts a lot." He sighs showing the lump in his head.
Charlie worried as he saw this then remembered he had the first aid kit in his suitcase which he had given to Brooke.
"We have to go to the hotel because I have a first aid kit then and I forget to take it with." Charlie exclaims with a serious look on his face.
"Okay Charlie, but don't be so sad anymore I'll be fine. I feel better when you're here." Leo smiles at him which makes Charlie start to feel relieved.

Leo and Charlie go to the bus stop together during the walk Leo reminded himself that he had to say  Charlie something, but couldn't remember what. When they reach the empty stop Charlie notices a poster on the glass bus stop cover which read 'Missing Leondre Devries'
'This caused a lot of confusion with Charlie as he spoke to Leo.
"Leo you're wanted?" He questioned.
"I know." He huffs tearing off the poster. "This is Tilly's work."
Suddenly Leo remembers he had no money on him.
"Charlie can we walk to the hotel please?" Leo asks.
"No we have to get to the hotel as soon as possible." Charlie speaks with a serious tone and look on his face then realised Leo had no money.
"I'll pay for you." Charlie smiles.
Leo thanks him they finally hop onto the bus then they sit down at the back of the bus. Leo felt very uncomfortable Charlie paying for him.
"I'll give you every parent back." Leo says.
"Oh Leo you don't have to." Charlie says. "That's what friends are for." Charlie hugs him tightly.
"Why did Tilly put up these posters?" Charlie asks remembering seeing he's wanted.
"She's a panic." Leo laughs.
Charlie sighs upon to hearing this and stares at Leo as it's not what he wanted to hear. "Okay Charlie." Leo groans. "So when we were going to the bus stop I wanted to tell you something, but I forgot now I remember, so I wanted to tell you that I didn't come home for the night." Leo says.
"Oh why?" Charlie asks with a serious look on his face.
"This guy who bullied me dragged me to the basement and lockers me there for the night. I couldn't oppose him because he threatened to kill, harm you or Tilly. I couldn't scream because he threatened to hurt my family." Leo stammers with tears streaming down his face.
Charlie was so hurt by what he has been told and just hugged him tight.
"I'll never let that happen again." Charlie shouts forgetting people on the bus.
"What happened?" An old lady who had been staring at them for several minutes.
"Nothing please don't worry it'll be okay." Charlie calms her down then hugs Leo who has tears down his cheeks The woman was sad to see how upset Leo was, but was happy that he wasn't alone and smiled at them lightly then she hopped off the bus.
"Lovely lady" Charlie smiles and Leo smiled back.
Brooke and Karen stayed in the room they started to panic when Charlie didn't answer his phone for over 2 hours.
"I can't take it anymore I'm calling the police." Karen breathes getting her phone out.
"Mum wait a little longer Charlie will come back." Brooke soothes trying to calm her mother down.
Brooke is nervous as she saw Tilly's poster on the way, but doesn't want to worry her mum.
"How could I even let Charlie go there if Leo is in trouble Charlie could be now too!" She cries.
Brooke hugs her tightly, but negative thoughts were flooding her mind. What if something happened to them that's when she knew it was time to tell her about Leo being missing.
"Mum I saw a poster about Leo being missing his sister put it up." Brooke stutters.'
'Karen starts to shake and her heart beats fast as she hears those words.
"Okay now I need to call the police now!" She shouts.
She gets her phone in her hand and was about to call when there was a knock on the door

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