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It's a dark evening and it's getting colder. Leo, Charlie  and Karen are walking in the dark. Charlie's a little nervous because he knows his phone is about to discharge. Charlie had charged his phone in the hotel however, he hadn't charged enough.

"You see the light." Charlie says pointing to the lights in the distance. "There is a stop there and in a few minutes a bus will arrive that will take us almost to your house."

"I see" Leo admits.

They reach the stop and sit on the bench Karen looks at Leo seeing the fear in his eyes. It occurs to her that the boy is afraid to tell his family about the persecution and indeed it was. All the way he thought of only two things that he would have to tell the family everything and that he might get lost.

"Leo I guess you're very scared, but know you're not alone we'll help you get through it all." Karen soothes and hugs him tightly.

"Thank you I needed this." Leo weak smiles at her.

'Eventually Charlie notices the bus in the distance and Leo remembers that he doesn't have any money.

"Maybe we'll take a walk to my house" Leo suggests and Charlie remembers that his friend doesn't have cash.

"Leo I know that you don't have any money with you, but I'll pay for you." Charlie says smiling.

"Charlie I feel uncomfortable with this you do everything for me and I'm doing nothing for you" Leondre sighs.

"Don't worry someday I will probably need your help and I know that I can count on your help. Charlie smiles, but Leo still feels awkward.

Finally the bus reaches the stop Leo refuses to take the bus, but Karen grabs his hand.

"Let's go" she says and they hop on the bus.

Charlie buys three tickets and they all sit in the back of the bus.

Suddenly Charlie notices the same old lady they saw earlier. Karen is holding Leo's hand the whole time. The old lady sees this and thinks Leo is her son.

"You should take off those posters about your son's disappearance." She speaks up.'

"I saw some of them around here."

Karen was really confused as she's not his mother.

"He's not her son, but we'll take him home." Charlie says

"Fine, but be careful." She smiles at Charlie and gets off the bus.

"We met this old woman earlier she is very nice." Charlie happy sighs.

A few minutes later, Charlie realises that they have reached their stop and they need to get off the bus.

"we need to get off." He speaks and everyone follows.

Charlie."Karen calls out.

"Yes mum?"

"Is it far from Leo's home?" She questions.

"About 10 minutes on foot at this pace 3 minutes by car." Charlie explains.

They're walking for two minutes suddenly Charlie stops.

"Now I don't know where to go my phone is dead." Charlie stammers panicking.

"My phone is also dead." Leo huffs.

"Charlie I still have 46% on mine." His mum speaks up and hands him the phone.

He smiles taking her phone and putting Leo's address into the navigation, but unfortunately there is no internet.

"We are lost I don't have internet.

'Charlie speaks with panic in his voice.

"You said you always know where to go." Leo laughs nervously


"It's close Leo do you know where to go?" Karen asks the boy.

"To be honest I have no idea I would know during the day, but now it's so dark." Leo stutters and bursts into tears.

Karen and Charlie hug him tightly

"Leo don't cry we'll figure something out and take you home." Karen speaks in a voice full of concern and strokes his back.

Charlie feels helpless suddenly he notices a car coming towards them.

Charlie realises this is a police car. Seeing them the policeman stops and gets out of the car.

"What's happening? The policeman asks at the sight of a crying boy.

"My friend and his mother wanted to take me home, but we got lost." Leo stutters.

Suddenly the policeman recognizes Leo.

"Leondre Devries?" The policeman asks looking at the boy.

"Yes it's me." Leo answers.

"You are wanted." Policeman Speaks. "Get into the police car I'll give you a ride.

The policeman smiles and they all get into the police car.

"I will drop you off at Leo's house because I have other activities and I'm looking for another kid." The policemen stats and when Leo heard this he thinks that maybe the child is also being bullied and that it must stop.

"So why didn't you come home?" The cop asks and Leo lowers his head and says nothing.

Charlie looks at him and is angry at  the cop for starting this topic.

Karen looks at the boys and knows this is a difficult topic.

"Please leave this topic this boy has been through a lot lately." Karen points to Leo.

"But don't worry now we are here for him and we will help him." Charlie's mom says  .

"Okay, but remember that if you need help, I'm always available." the policeman says.

"Thank you." Leo weak smiles.

"You are getting off here I have to go look for another child." The policeman speaks and they get out the car.

"Cool cop Charlie says after he drove away and they head to Leo's house.'

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