'home sweet home'

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Leo's very scared and doesn't want to go home because he's afraid that his family will be angry at him.
Charlie presses the bell and Leo hides behind him as well as behind Karen.
Finally, after a few presses on the bell the door opens and Leo's mom stands on the threshold. The woman recognizes Charlie because Leo talked a lot with him on the webcam.
"Charlie unfortunately Leo isn't home he missed yesterday." Victoria announces sadly.
"We just brought him home." Charlie laughs nervously and smiles at her revealing a hidden Leo.
"Oh my god come in!" Victoria gasps and they walk in and taking off their shoes.
"Follow me, please" She speaks and leads them to the living room.
The living room is big and white there's a cozy leather sofa in it. Above it is a great picture of the family Charlie notices Leo is very sad in the photo the rest of the family happily pose for a photo. Charlie wonders if they haven't noticed that Leo's depressed.
"So what happened that you didn't come home yesterday?" Victoria asks.
Leo lowers his head not responding.
"Leondre come to me!" She calls and Leo walks over to her.
Leo was horrified and Charlie couldn't help, but notice.
"Oh my God!" Victoria screams and starts to shake.
This startles Charlie and he notices how pale she is .
"What's wrong?" Charlie asks.
"He has a tumor on his forehead."Leo's mother stutters.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Charlie sighs. "I forgot to take care of it."
"Leo go to the sofa I'll be right back." Charlie adds.
Leo's  confused, but follows his instructions.
"Charlie where are you going?" Karen  asks confused too .
Charlie doesn't say anything, but goes somewhere and Victoria follows him.
Charlie goes to the kitchen and opens the freezer.
-"Charlie, what are you doing?" She asks irritated by Charlie's behavior.
"I just came for some ice it helps with  tumours I know because my mother used to tell me when I was little and I fell over on a bike and it helped."Charlie says
"Charlie you're still a little baby! I should take care of him, I'm his mother and you're not his dad!"Victoria says.
Charlie got a little nervous hearing that.
"Since Leo met me he can always count on me and you have no idea what he has been going through for so many years." Charlie sighs and when she hears it she becomes very worried.
"So tell me what is he going through?" Victoria Asks .
Leondre heard all this conversation and doesn't want Charlie to tell her now.
Charlie realized he had said something he shouldn't have and knows she's very worried suddenly he hears Leo's voice.
"Charlie come over here with that ice  you stole from the freezer and stop arguing with my mom!" Leo snaps and Charlie goes to him very confused .
"Leo I didn't steal anything I just borrowed to help you." Charlie explains.
"Bro take it easy I was kidding."Leondre laughs putting his hands up and Charlie sighs with relief.
"Okay Charlie says and laughs too.'.Leo' s lying on the couch and he thinks he missed this place and it's good to be home.
"I'm glad that I'm at home" Leo sighs happily.
"I see now take this ice and put it to the tumor."
"Ok thanks Charls." Leondre speaks and puts the wrapped ice to his forehead.
"Leo you know the police are looking for you? I have to call the police to let them  know you're home." Leo's mum speaks  very serious.
"He knows the policeman gave us a ride home" Charlie announces and suddenly remembers that his phone is dead. "Can I borrow a charger? I need to charge my phone."
"Of course." Victoria smiles and hands him the charger.
"There's a charger." Leo's mum points. Charlie plugs in his phone.
"Alright it works thank you" Charlie says and sighs with relief.
"Now Leo please tell me what happened and why do you have a tumor on your head?" Victoria asks worried and Leo doesn't say anything.
"Please I need to know what's going on I'm worried!" She screams and Leo bursts into tears.Karen was very sad seeing this she walks over to him and hugs him tightly.
"Please don't yell at him he's not ready to talk about it." Karen says rubbing his back. "Besides he's tired he needs sleep." She adds
"Charlie and I will come tomorrow morning and help Leo to tell about it."
"Okay, but tomorrow morning Leo has to go to school" Victoria states.
"No please no! He has to be safe and he has to stay home!" Charlie screams and bursts into tears.
"Oh okay my son will stay at home." Victoria responds very scared .
"Can I go to sleep now?" Leo asks "I'm tired." He groans.
"Of course." his mum replied and Leo goes up the stairs.
"I think he needs to see the doctor the tumor is huge and we need to check if  everything is alright." Charlie says.
"Alright I have a friend who's a doctor I will call him." Leo's mother says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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