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It's getting colder and darker outside four people sit in cozy rooms, one of them tells a story. This story is sad and shocking which is about bullying at school.
"Now I have been persecuted for over 3 years"  The boy ends his story and Brooke who was listening to it felt really sad.
"I feel so sorry for you." Brooke sighs. Leondre realizes she came into the room and heard the whole story."
"oh." Leo sighs. "this is life." he adds
"I will never let them hurt you again! Charlie shouts and bursts into tears because he can't bare to see his friend hurt.
Karen sees Charlie crying and hugs him tightly.
"Charlie don't worry it'll be okay." Karen tries to calm her son down. "I won't let him hurt either Leo is a good boy and he doesn't deserve to suffer."
"Thank you." Leo answers and smiles slightly.
"So why didn't you tell your family about the persecution?" Brooke asks.
Charlie was a little angry at Brooke bringing this topic back up again.
Charlie knows it's hard for Leo
"Because I don't think they would care." Leo sighs.
Karen is surprised to hear this
"Why do you think so?" Charlie's mum asks looking at the boy.
Leo doesn't like to come back to bad memories, but he knows sometimes it's the only way out.
"Maybe tilly would care, but my mum probably doesn't." Leo shrugs his shoulders.
"Why do you think so? Karen asks without understanding why the boy says such things.
"I used to be very sad because the stalker was very aggressive that day Leo sighs. "By e-mail I needed  to write to Charlie and tell him about everything that happened that day, but my mother took my phone from me saying that I spend too much time on it and until the end I didn't have a phone that day. I told her that I needed Charlie and that he was the only friend I have, but she said she didn't care." Leo says and looks very sad.
"But that doesn't mean she doesn't love you." Karen sighs. "I'm sure she loves you very much and worries about you."
"You have to let her know and what  you have been going through all these years!" Karen screams and Leo thinks maybe she's right.

"Please not today Leo pleads. "I'm tired." He groans.
Karen looks out the window and she  realized it's already late.
"Oh my God" Karen gasps.
"What?" Brooke and the boys speak at the same time.
"It's late and we need to escort you home." Karen says and her voice is full of panic.

"Right." Leo admits knowing he wouldn't have made it home alone on a dark evening like this.
"Can I stay at the hotel? Brooke asks.
"Why? Are you okay Brooke?" Leo asks looking at her.
"Yeah Leo don't worry"
. Broke smiles. "I'm tired besides I've had a bath recently and my hair is wet and I've already changed into pyjamas."
"Ok Brooke you can stay here, but you have to go to sleep." Karen states.
Karen locks Brooke in a room luckily Charlie knows the address of where Leo lives.
'Charlie finds a bus on the phone that goes almost to Leo's house.
"Follow me." Charlie orders and guides them with navigation enabled on the phone.
They follow him and Karen grips Leo's hand tightly.
"You can't get lost so I have to hold you it's very dark." Karen speaks in a caring voice.
All Leo thought was Charlie's mum is so caring and Charlie thought it was very nice of her.
"Could you hold my hand a little more gently? Leo asks laughing nervously.
"I have bruises and it hurts me a bit." he adds.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" Karen sighs and holds his hand more gently.
"It's okay" Leo weak smiles at her.
"But you will tell your family about this persecution Tomorrow?" Karen questions.
Leo, however doesn't want to tell his family about it, but pretends to do so.
"Ok I'll do it." Leo lied.
Karen looks at the boy and has a feeling that something is wrong. It occurs to her that he may not be able to do it alone.
"Me, Charlie and Brooke will be at your house tomorrow morning, we'll do it together." Karen adds giving a reassuring smile.

They walk for a few minutes and all of a sudden Leo has thoughts that maybe Charlie is lost.
"Charlie sure you know where to go?" Leo asks with concern in his voice.
"Trust me bro! I always know where to go" Charlie laughs nervously.'

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