7. Albatrosun Yuvasi*

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Behind its fertile hills and valleys

are hidden treasures

That springtime lets bloom.


Lulled by birdsong, I stretch my aching legs on the comfortable sunbathing mattress, which supports my beached whale weight every day. I wasn't lying when I told Can about it a few weeks ago! According to the doctor, my weight is quite reasonable for a multiple pregnancy but my lumbar and calf muscles don't seem to agree. So, for the past month or so, I've had to take it easy, take long rest periods and elevate my legs and not lie on my right side.

All my relatives have organized their lives around me, I feel like a real drag in every sense of the word. However, they are all very attentive, willing to satisfy my every wish, worried at the slightest sign of fatigue or the slightest grimace on my part.

Mum comes to see me almost every day, bringing me her good food, making sure that all the work is going according to plan. She's so involved! Hormones play with my emotions and I yo-yo from laughter to tears in seconds. The latest? When she turned up with soft green hand-stitched and embroidered bed sheets in the same colors as the babies' room. When she asked me if I liked it, she assured me that she had almost finished sewing the third one and that she would engrave the names when they were born. I burst into tears, touched by her attention, by the little things that make my heart swell with love.

Daddy worries all the time. He loves to put his hands on my deformed belly and imagines all sorts of crazy scenarios about the occupations of my three babies inside my belly, transformed into a swimming pool. And sometimes I like to believe his stories. He tells me about the wonderful relationship the three of them will have and how they will never feel lonely. He has promised to take them fishing, teach them how to ride a bike and will build a beautiful dollhouse if we have a girl. I think he longs to know the sex of the babies the most. Not that he has a preference, but he wants to project himself.

Can and I hesitated for a while and then finally the choice of not knowing the sex imposed itself on us. We just know that there are three different pockets, so a range of possibilities. The main thing for us is their health. We had a few scares a few weeks ago as one of the babies seemed to be developing less well than the others but further tests have shown nothing wrong and the gap has narrowed. We just have a small one in the middle of two bigger ones. Nothing surprising when you compare the daddy and the mummy !

Leïla visits me regularly with Hayden. He's over four months old and is doing great. He's a lovely baby who now smiles broadly at every face he recognizes. He babbles sounds and blows bubbles with his adorable little mouth. He has inherited Leïla's beautiful eyes. I really want to crunch him every time I see him! The colic period is over and he sleeps like a big boy, allowing my sister to finally recover after a complicated period. She assures me that she's getting stronger to come and help me with the birth of the babies because, having been through this with one, she can't help but be worried about me when three arrive! Emre is a very attentive dad and he helps my sister a lot even if his work still takes up too much of his time for Leïla's taste.

He and Can have completely redesigned Fikri Harika. Part of the company has kept its advertising creation activity by turning to a fair and sustainable approach. It therefore produces advertisements for virtuous companies and brands and contributes money on each contract, which it reinvests in free campaigns to help young entrepreneurs who have chosen sustainable development.

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