8. KarŞilaŞma

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"Every time a child is born, the world begins again"

Gilbert Bécaud

My body numb with sleep, my smile screwed to my lips at the memory of our embrace, I stir in a dream as my hands search for this body that I find impossible to let go of every night. I love to cling to her back when she sleeps on her side, to put my hands on the curve of her belly and feel the throbbing of our wonders through the thin barrier of her skin. I can't imagine what it feels like to carry life, three lives ready to hatch from her body, the fruits of our endless love.

I enjoy savoring these last moments of silent communion before our little tornadoes fill our daily lives.

But my fingers only touch fresh, crumpled sheets and, as my attention is focused on my surroundings, muffled sounds reach me. Groggy, I open one eye, not quite sure I'm not still between my dream and reality.

I rub my eyes, trying to concentrate when a muffled scream, breaking the silence of the night, confirms my suspicions. Without further thought, I throw off the covers and bedspread and rush towards the thin stream of light coming from the bathroom. I can't imagine Sanem hurting herself, cutting herself or any other clumsiness. When she calls out to me, huddled by the bathtub, and I see her features distorted by pain, I know.

The moment has come.

The one we hope for as much as we dread.

The one that will change our lives forever.

I rush to her side.

"Sanem! My dear, don't move, I'll help you."

"Can, it hurts so much...I...I can't move because it hurts so much."

"I will help you, don't panic, I am here. Do you remember? We rehearsed this scenario a dozen times..."

"Yes, but I wasn't in this much pain..."

"I'm here my love, it's going to be alright..."

She nods silently and I walk around the little puddle that has formed around her. I'll avoid slipping and breaking something, it's better.

I remember Derenn's words on the subject.

"If Sanem is in pain and her water breaks, we must not delay, we need to make sure that everything is safe, if on the contrary the water has not broken, we have a little more time..."

"You're in labour, remember what Derenn said, did you count the frequency of the contractions?"

"I'm trying but I'm having trouble concentrating...I'd say every ten minutes...maybe a little more..."

"Okay, I'll let the clinic know we're coming and we'll call the family when we get there, are we still on for that? "

"Yes...oh Can, I'm having another contraction...ow...it hurts too much..."

"It's gonna be okay sweetie, I promise it's gonna be okay."

I take a few seconds to reassure her and give her a hug, then set the timer on her mobile phone to count the time between each of her contractions. I then get up to bring her several cushions to make her more comfortable. Finally, I contact the clinic so that everything is ready when we arrive.

Because Sanem's delivery is more risky, even though her pregnancy has gone well so far, we have to follow a precise, pre-planned, almost timed programme. Her health and that of the babies is at stake.

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