3. Yildiz*

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Beyond the horizon and up to the stars

You sow seeds of love

Who come day after day

Enlarge my world...


I sometimes feel that we have fled civilisation. The parenthesis between our life before and the one of tomorrow is being played out right now. Five months that we are sailing, gradually leaving the Latin civilization for the warm seas of the southern hemisphere. We are now approaching Oceania and especially New Zealand. I know a little bit about this big island and I have chosen a few anchorage points that I am sure Sanem will like.

We regularly need to refuel but I voluntarily select places where we won't feel suffocated. I can't wait to make her discover this part of the world, she's always so eager for discoveries, for stories told by natives. Her eyes are often not big enough to capture the immensity of the landscapes that surround us.

She has proved to be a good navigator despite her few blunders. We have weathered a few small storms and I have always been able to count on her. She doesn't have all the necessary knowledge but she has so much courage and good will...

I was wondering how our trip would go, how long we could bear to live like this, isolated from the world sometimes for weeks at a time, far from her culture, her world, her family...and finally I was surprised to see how independent, mature and self-confident she is. I was madly in love with my young and inexperienced Sanem but I am completely under my wife's spell. Her joy of life, her smile and her incredible ability to adapt make her a first class diplomat. Wherever we set foot, her aura of benevolence attracted us nothing but kindness from the local people. These encounters nourished her spirit, held too long prisoner in her neighborhood.

She was made to spread her wings, she was made to discover the world, she was made for me.

When we don't go ashore, she sails with me or blackens the notebooks with her texts straight out of her imagination. From time to time, she tells me one of her stories in the moonlight. One might think that living like this, if we were stuck together, would have made us tired, but it's quite the opposite. I can no longer do without her, her presence is vital to me. I wonder how I've managed to bear my life without her.

As I finish folding up the sails for the night, as I drop anchor near a small island that seems uninhabited, I observe her on the bow of the boat, her hair tousled, her face golden with sun and sea spray, her eyes luminous. The sky is already glowing on the horizon and I let myself be carried away by the contours of his silhouette which is revealed by transparency. Her fine and light dress that rises up does not leave me indifferent. My wife today is very different from the young bride who embarked several weeks ago...

Her innocent look, her shyness, her hesitations, her trembling hands and her blushing cheeks in front of my nakedness...

Today, her natural self-confidence drives me crazy. She quickly understood her power over me, the way she can use and abuse it. After the first fortnight, her discreet groping around to get close to me and make me understand her desires and expectations, she has finally freed herself completely. Lost in the middle of the ocean, my little caterpillar broke her chrysalis to take flight. And I must say that I'm not complaining, her appetite for sensuality has only increased mine tenfold, as if it was still possible...

She captures my smile lost in her contemplation and gives it back to me before nonchalantly approaching me and jumping into my arms, hanging around my neck. Her flowery perfume and her salty skin are the elixirs I will never tire of. I am still attached to the scents of Sanem's skin...

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