the new girl//

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warning!! 18+
sexual content
I was walking down the empty hallway, feeling the blood pumping in my head. Potions. First period. I'd heard the talk about Professor Snape, and let's say it wasn't pleasant. But what a way to start the year, even if it was halfway through. I approached the classroom, noticing that my hand was shaking as I clasped the door handle. I gave myself a 5 second pep talk, then confidently strode into the packed classroom.

Immediately all heads turned to me, but I noticed one particular boy looking me up and down, licking his lips. He was incredibly attractive, with striking red untamed hair. "When you are finished playing love at first sight" a deep voice caused me to flip around to the Professor. "You can explain why you have just barged yourself into my classroom." "I'm new, this is my first lesson." "Hmm, sit down next to Miss Spinnet and get out your book." I slumped down into the chair and shared a warm smile with the girl before getting out the things I needed. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the boy continue to stare at me, so I innocently push my hair to the side, exposing my neck and shoulders, making him shuffle in his seat. I smirk to myself, and turn around to focus on the lesson.

Soon enough the bell rang for the end of the lesson, and a cluster of people made for the door, including Alicia and I. I had barely got into the corridor when a sharp grip pulled me backwards and shoved me into an empty classroom. I shot my head around to see the boy closing the door and walking towards me. "Fred Weasley" he said holding out his hand. I shook it gladly, his tall figure towering over me. God this boy was tall. We engaged in small chat, me explaining how I ended up here and him explaining his large family. "This is a lovely chat by why exactly are we in this room?" He replied with no words but started walking further towards me until my back hit the wall. "This" he whispered, and his lips crashed onto mine.

He pressed his body up against mine and both of our breaths hitched. He unexpectedly groaned and a confused look spread onto my face as I looked down. Oh right, my hand was already down his pants. Sometimes I honestly have no control. He slid his large hand up the pleats of my skirt, playing with the hem. I slowly rubbed my hand over his boxers, making him groan again into my mouth. I unclipped his belt and pulled his trousers down, stroking him at an antagonising pace. He gave a small reaction, and his hands slipped further up my skirt and brushed past my underwear making me gasp. He slid one finger inside of me and i quickened the pace with my hand. We were both moaning messes until he pulled himself against me as he finished, me shortly after.

After regaining our breaths, he kissed me gently on the cheek. "I suppose we both need to clean ourselves up" I suggested. "I agree.... nice to meet you by the way" and a smirk painted his lips.

authors note:
thank you for 100 reads!! sorry this isn't a long one, i'm finishing inspiration. if you have any requests, comment! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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