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I had never enjoyed the frequent moving my family dragged me into. I couldn't help but get so attached to the environment I was always in. It was a shame I was taken out of it the second I grew accustomed to its routines. My dad was in the coast guard, meaning we would move as far as different states every few years. It was heartbreaking to leave those I loved, but I had to realize it was just how my life was going to be.

I had moved to Florida the beginning of summer. My family lived in a medium sized home in a small town just next to a large lagoon. It seemed to be in the middle of nowhere without any large stores or malls. It was way different than when I lived in California, where there were huge apartment and office buildings. It felt unusual to see so much nature.

Honestly, I liked the freedom a lot more. It felt safer too. I could walk anywhere at anytime, and when it got too hot, the lake was just across the road. The only thing I seemed to have a hard time with here was making friends. With only one small school, the groups of kids seemed to be in close clicks. It would be weird for me to make friends with people who had known each other sense they were young. Not only was it just hard being from the city, but it was almost impossible to fit in.

That was until I had gotten my eyes on Eve. Eve was my neighbor, only about five large steps beside my home. She was the first person who caught my eye, not only because she was the closest in sight, but because of how she looked. She wasn't unnatural looking in any way, she just looked so beautiful.

I first saw her the moment I looked out of my window in my new bedroom. I had to swat away at the dust that flew in the air just to see her clearly. A girl who seemed to be listening to music through a pair of earbuds. She looked to be my age at 15. Even from this far away, I could clearly see her soft features and slightly tanned skin in the sunlight.

She had looked my way suddenly, causing me to flinch. I was met with a smile by her as the corners of her eyes slightly wrinkled. I became embarrassed being caught staring, I hoped she hadn't thought I was staring for long- even though I was. So I looked away, but regretted it. For some reason, she was just someone you could never get tired of looking to. And I begun to smile and feel excited for some reason, like the gut in my stomach was telling me she was good news.

I ended up getting to see her more when my parents invited her family over once we had fully settled in. Her familiar smiling face was the first thing my eyes caught when I approached the table at dinner. She was even more beautiful up close. The kind of beauty that came naturally. You could tell she had lived in the town her whole life. Her appearance suited the environment so well. She was the embodiment of a breath of fresh air.

I found out her name was Eve at dinner. She was very kind. I think that's partially what made her so beautiful. And her laugh was like the sound of angels. She didn't talk much, but that was expected with the space mostly taken up by the chatter of the adults. Sometimes we would catch each other's gaze, only for me to look away quickly before she noticed the blush filling my face. I wanted to be friends with her so badly.

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