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"Hey, watch it!

Eve had flicked her paint brush at me, making pale green paint splatter all over my tank top and jean shorts. I would've been mad if anyone other than Eve had done so. Since it was Eve doing it, the only anger I felt was why she wouldn't do it a million times more.

She laughed. Eve laughed her perfect melodic laugh. And it made me smile like an idiot at her. So I flicked her back with my light purple paint to make her laugh more. And Eve did.

"There's gonna be paint everywhere! We messed up the colors," Eve said between giggles. I looked to the two green walls and the two purple walls. They were supposed to be split half and half with our favorite colors. Yet now, after the paint fight, it had become a mixture. Especially the floor where splatted paint decorated the wood planks beneath our bare feet.

"I think it's fine," I told her, "it's kind of pretty." I think I mostly said that just because it reminded me a bit of each other. The paint mixing together was a symbol of us and how I wanted us to be.

"Well then, since it's an art piece now..." I allowed Eve to take my purple covered paintbrush from my hand and watched as she used it to begin writing on the green wall of hers.

"Lena and... Eve," I read allowed the words under my breath. Blush spread throughout my body like a heatwave. Hotter than the 100 degree weather Florida was blazing down on us.

I don't think Eve realized what she did to me. Watching as she hummed, painting hearts on the wall around our names, I felt weird. Weird in a way like I was the one who didn't belong. Maybe because I knew Eve had a different interpretation of what she was doing now then I did.

"Hey," Eve knocked me out of my trance, "If we get this done soon, I bet it'll be alright to sleep in here."

"L-Like a sleepover? In the treehouse?" And here it was again. I knew my thoughts were far from what Eve had in her mind.

"You're not scared of bugs, are you?" Eve teased.

"No, of course not." Well maybe a little. But she'd never know if I didn't tell her. And I'd give up every fear of mine to spend the night by her side.

Eve went back to painting suddenly rambling on and I became unaware if she was talking to herself or me, "We need a mosquito net probably... and pack food..." I was already dazing off, slapping the paint on my side of the wall in a trance like I was on auto pilot. Every alarm in my body was going off at the opportunity to spend this time with Eve. What would we do? What would happen? Am I going to embarrass myself? But I knew I'd just get my hopes up. 

And then there'd also be my parents I have to ask... but why would I think about the dreaded future when my mind could be filled with the thrilling future beside Eve.

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