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On the days when I wasn't occupied with anything, which was practically everyday, I sat outside enjoying the sun. 

Since my only somewhat friend was Eve, I knew she had a life outside of just talking to the weird new girl. She seemed popular in school and had a full life. I bet she was known by everyone as being a bright and outgoing person. The only reason I could think someone would dislike her is out of jealousy.

That moment with Eve at the docks was something I could think about forever. I would smile about it whenever it crossed my mind. The way the slight sweat on her tan skin glowed in the heat of the sunlight. And the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes as she grinned in my direction.

Thinking of her now, I could barely focus on the book I was reading. It was like the whole page had been replaced with only her name. As much as I wanted to see her every single day, I had to respect that she probably had plans with her other friends. It made me wonder if she would ever go out of her way to visit me.

Even now, I heard the sound of a motor approaching. It was no surprise when a moped made its way to Eve's house. A boy was sitting on it. His face was like a blur compared to Eve's. When she excited her home in a flowy blouse and shorts, I had all my attention on her. 

Eve's hair was down, lying delicately on her back in waves. I had never seen it down as it was usually in a ponytail. Both hairstyles were cute, but seeing Eve like this made my stomach hurt in a way it never had before. 

I wanted to call to her. At least say, Hi. But seeing her talk with that boy with the same smile she talked to me with made a feeling in my head churn. I knew Eve would have many other friends, but seeing it right in front of me made me melancholy for some reason. 

When I told myself that it was normal to hangout with others, I didn't know why it wasn't convincing enough to make me feel better. And when she got on the back of that moped, hugging flush to the boy, I felt the jealousy of wanting to be him. 

I just didn't understand why something in my thoughts told me I could never be him. And why I couldn't have hope to be him. Because it would never come true?

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