[4] jealous

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*Beep Beep*

The sound of my alarm rings yet again, signaling for me to wake up and get ready for school. I Get dressed and put my hair in a half ponytail with two pieces of hair hanging in the front, one on each side of my face. I pack my lunch and the clothes I borrowed from Laurant. Realizing the time, I speed walk to the end of the street and catch the school bus.

I walk into homeroom and see James and Marshall talking at their desks. "Hey guys" 

"Hey Abbie!" James replies with a smile. "Marshall was just telling me about your fight with Kate" 

"Ohh, that...."

"Yeah, it was hilarious!" Marshall adds.

"Wait till you guys find out about what happened this weekend!" I say trying to change the subject. "okay so me and Laurant, the French kid, were partnered for the Spanish project..."

I was interrupted by the bell, prompting us to go to our first period class.

"Ah! Never mind, I'll tell you guys later."

"No one likes a cliffhanger, Abbie!" Marshall jokes as we get up and leave.

I walk into my first period class, Spanish, fully prepared to do my presentation and get an A.  Holding Laurants' clothes in a plastic grocery bag, I sit at my desk and wait for him to walk into class. 

"Hey Abigail" says Peter walking next to me.

"Oh, hey peter" I respond, trying not to blush.

".......You dropped your pencil, that's why I came over here...to give it to you. No other reason." Peter says. " But since I'm here, how was your weekend?"

"It was alright, I didn't really do anything except work on my project with Laurant." 

"Oh, sounds boring.....we should hang out this weekend so that way your weekend won't be boring!" Peter replies with a sort of cute awkwardness. He was weird like that, sometimes he'd be so smooth and confident, and sometimes he was like this.

"Yeah, I have nothing to do this weekend so that sounds great," I say desperately trying to conceal my overexcited smile. Seconds later, Laurant walks in and heads straight towards me. We make eye contact and I signal to the bag in my hand.

"Oh, here's your clothes, thanks again for letting me spend the night," I say

"No problem, I brought the vase so everything should be ready for our project"

"Okay cool," I respond. I turn to resume my conversation with Peter but when I see him,  he looks confused about my little transaction.

"Well class is about to start, I'll go and sit down now."

"Yeah, okay," I say as he walks away.

Class begins and everyone shares their presentations. Finally, it's me and Laurants turn. As we're presenting I make eye contact with Peter and smile, Peter looks away and starts talking to Kate. They laugh and giggle looking at Kate's phone through our whole presentation. Is he mad at me or something? What was that? 

I continue through my day trying not to think about it but it keeps popping up in my mind. I thought he didn't like her like that, why was he acting so buddy buddy with her. I continue through my classes and finally get to lunch. Me, Kate, and Marshall sit together, James usually has to sit with the other soccer boys, but he sits with us when he can. I take out my ham sandwich that I packed this morning and start eating. 

"Okay, so guys guess what?? I think me and Peter are like talking now because he was being really nice to me today and it was like really cute, and we were like laughing and stuff during Spanish, you saw didn't you BJ?" Rants Kate.

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