[5] hawaii 1.

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The sound of the school bell echos through the hall signaling the end of the last class of the day.  But today wasn't a normal day, today we were getting our assignments for our class trip to O'ahu Hawaii. Were going there to learn about the island's volcanoes. I don't usually get excited, but I'm overjoyed about this trip because we are allowed to choose who we spend the trip with, as long as they're in our homeroom, and since all my friends and Peter are both in my homeroom, I'm guaranteed to have a perfect group.

I get to Mrs. Johnsons' room and sit in my seat next to Marshall and James. 

"Hey guys!"

"what's up Abbie?" says James.

"Someone seems pretty excited about the school trip," Marshall comments.

"That's because I am! This is our first school trip, how could I not be excited?"

"We know the real reason your so excited, you just can't wait to have Peter in your group!" Marshall jokes, provoking a laugh from James.

I roll my eyes knowing that he's is 100% right. Suddenly, I hear Mrs. Johnson clapping to get the class's attention.

"I'm sure you're all excited for the trip and want to get home and pack right away, so in order to make this process go quicker, everyone, organize yourselves groups of six and come up to me once you finish so I can mark it down. As a reminder, the groups you will be choosing are gonna be the people you spend the entirety of the trip with. You are all responsible for each other because we do not have enough chaperones. Although some groups may have one if deemed necessary. Keeping that in mind, please try and pick people you can be responsible with. Okay?"

Once she finishes I immediately look to find Peter in the classroom. I look around and find him staring right back at me. He walks over to our table with a wide smile and eager eyes.

"Hey, um can I join your group for the trip?" 

"Yeah sure," Marshall replies.

Peter pulls a chair to our cluster of desks and sits next to me. He and I begin talking about the trip and everything we're excited to do.

"Hey guys, do you think my friend Laurant could join our group?" James asks motioning to the blond-haired boy standing next to him.

Laurant gives a small wave and a smile to greet us all. His eyes scan the group and stop on me.

"Yeah, Laurant can join," I say. 

"Great!" exclaims James as he pulls a chair out for Laurant to sit at. 

"Now we just need one more person..." Marshall states.

I look around the room but I can't find anyone to join us. Everyone in the classroom seems to be paired up. 

"I don't think there's anyone left," I say. 

All of a sudden, I hear a loud "HEYY GUYYSS!" at the classroom door. I can immediately tell it was Kate. She wastes no time in coming over to talk to us and pulls up her own chair.

"Don't tell me you guys already filled your group up," Kate says with a slight pout.

"No, we were actually looking for one more member. You wanna join us?" Marshall asks. 

"Yeah! I had to leave my homeroom because I went to the bathroom and when I came back, there were no groups left for me."

"Okay well I'll go give Mrs. Johnson our group list and we can go home."

Everyone nodded in agreement and picked up their bags to leave. As I take some books out of my locker, Kate walks over to me.

"Okay, so you know the whole reason why I couldn't group up with anyone in my homeroom?"

"Yeah?" I question.

"I made it up. I mean I was in the bathroom and therefore couldn't get chosen, but I did it on purpose!"

"Why, so you could be with me, Marshall and James?"

"Well yeah, but also because I wanted to be in the same group as Peter. Isn't it just my luck that you guys' group wasn't full?"

I fake laugh and agree with her. Then I tell her my sister wants me home and rush out of the school building and into my car.

When I get home I immediately start looking through my drawers for clothes and bathing suits to wear during the trip. I settle on a pink polka-dot underwire bikini for the beach and some high-waisted jean shorts with a cropped green tank top for when we go to see the volcanoes. I take my shower and make dinner for me and my sister (if she comes home) and watch Netflix until I fall asleep.

Unsurprisingly, I wake up to the beeps of my rubber ducky alarm clock and stare at the ceiling above me. Todays the day. I get ready like any normal day and take a pop tart with me to school for my breakfast. I walk out of the house in a stretchy white mini skirt and a tan sports bra-like top, with a gray oversized sweater to keep me warm. I thought it was cute and comfortable.

Once I get to school, I see James and we make our way to the bus roundabout so we can be dropped off at the airport. Me and James joke and show each other stuff on our phones as we wait for everyone to board the bus. Everyone gets on and we head towards the airport. We finally make it to the airport and take our bags out. As we slowly get through airport security students start making seating arrangements for the plane ride. From what I overheard, there are two seats on each side of the plane. Who should I sit with? I could sit with Laurant....or Peter.....but I want to sleep on the ride and I don't necessarily want them to hear my snoring. Maybe I should sit with Kate? But she'll probably want to sit with Peter.

"Hey Abigail, do you want to sit next to me and Kate on the plane?" A deep voice says, derailing my train of thought. I look up to see Peter and Kate looking at me, anticipating my answer.

"Wait, I thought it was only two seats on each side of the plane?" I ask confused.

"Oh no, that was just a little rumor that was going around, it's actually three on each side," Kate assures me.

"Well in that case, yeah, I'll sit with you guys."


We FINALLY make it onto the plane and take our seats. Kate and Peter were right, there were two long columns of blue plane seats that stretched from the entrance to the back of the plane. Both of the two columns had three seats next to each other, making six total seats in each row. Shortly after I sat down, Peter and Kate followed with Kate being on the inside seat, Peter in the middle, and me at the window. 

Almost immediately, Kate starts talking to Peter which actually brought me relief because I was hoping to sleep on the ride. I put my AirPods in and start listening to music to help me fall asleep. I look out the window and watch the plane take flight. It was still dark outside which made the runway lights look pretty as we zoomed past them. Not long after that, my eyes began to flicker and I gave into my sleepiness. As the plane tilted slightly, my head shifted from the window side to Peter's shoulder, since I was half asleep I decided it was best to not move. Faintly, I felt a soft touch on my forehead. If only I was awake enough to see Peters smile and blushing pink cheeks. 

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