[6] hawaii 2.

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"Good evening passengers, please put on your seatbelts as we are about to land."

 The pilot's stern voice rings through the plane, waking me from my nap. I open my eyes and look around to see everyone else. Peter was on his phone and Kate was talking to Marshall across seats. I quickly put my seatbelt on and check the time. 4:00 pm, wow I can't believe I slept through the whole flight. The plane slowly lands and everyone gets off to get their bags. 

I look through the conveyer belt watching for my suitcase but I don't see it.

"Hey guys, have any of you seen a neon green suitcase move past here?"

"No I haven't, I'm sorry," James responds.

"I'm surprised you lost that thing, it was practically glow-in-the-dark!" Marshall adds.

"I know, this sucks!"

Suddenly Laurant walks over with two suitcases. "Wait, are you talking about this one?"

"Yes! Thank you!" I say retrieving my luggage from his hands.

"No problem, It was right next to mine and I remembered it was someone in our class's bag, so I decided to get it for them."

"No time to dilly-dally students, we have to go visit the Dimond Head! If yall keep walking so slow, we'll miss our tour!" Mrs. Johnson yells, motioning for us to put our luggage on the bus.

The ride from the airport was short and we quickly arrived at our first volcano, Dimond Head. As the tour guide described the volcanic cone, we were all able to get off the bus and take pictures. This went on for the next 5 wonders that we saw and learned about. Our homeroom teachers gave us notebooks specifically for this trip, as we would have a test on all the things we learned when we got back. I frantically tried to write down all the information our guide was saying but the man was talking in x2 speed, so I missed quite a bit. I assumed we would have time to share our notes with each other once we got our rooms in the hotel.

Once our tour was complete, Mrs. Johnson instructed the driver to take us to our hotel and he kindly obliged. We arrived at the SkinnieMinnie Luxury Suites and were given a keycard with our room numbers on the front. Room 519, I wonder who my suitemate will be......I HOPE IT'S NOT KATE. I take the elevator up to the fifth floor and walk to the door of my room. When I open it I see a bed, two nightstands on each side of the bed, a dresser with a wide mirror above it, and a door to the bathroom on the left side of the bed. To my surprise, the room was empty and there was only one bed. I guess I get a room all to myself!

I explored the room before I began to put my stuff in the dresser. I'm almost finished when I hear a keycard beep from the door and the sound of the door unlocking. I immediately turn to face the door and watch it open. A tall blonde-haired boy walks into the room and we make eye contact.

"Hey Abbie!"

"Hey Laurant, are you my suitemate?"

"Yeah I think so"

"Okay cool," I smile and go back to unpacking my suitcase.

"Umm Abbie, where's the other bed?" Laurant asks, standing in the bathroom.

Shock. Instantaneous shock. I hadn't thought I was actually getting a roommate so I didn't care. I've already looked around the whole room. no pullout, no cot, not even extra sheets if one of us wanted to sleep on the floor. my mind went blank. I slowly turned to Laurant with a smile.

"well, we could always share a bed haha," I say jokingly.

"Oh yeah, I guess your right," Laurant then brings his bag into the bathroom and closes the door "I'll be right back"

I don't think he got the joke...... was he being serious, was he actually going to share the bed with me?!? Is that even allowed!??!

I turn back to the dresser and try to comprehend what we were actually going to do.

Okay well, there are a few ways we can do this, face to face is not even an option, we could lay face to feet....but then he'd be able to stare at my stinky feet the whole night! OH, ill wear socks...but that's so uncomfortable and weird....I could always call room service and ask for a cot and sheets....no no! that's lame, sharing a bed with a guy, it's no big deal. we're just sleeping. It'll be fine, plus I've already slept over at his house.

I am finally able to calm myself down when I turn to put my phone on the charger and I see Laurant laying on the bed in rainbow plaid pajama pants and a tank top. I plug my phone in and look at the hotel alarm clock. it read 10:38 pm.

"It's quite late isn't it?" Laurant says sarcastically.

"Yeah, I guess so" I respond.

"Isn't lights out at 10:00?" he asks

"Yeah, but because the bus got caught in some traffic, we go to the hotel a lot later."

"Oh, makes sense. well, I'll go to bed early anyway, I need my beauty sleep for the beach tomorrow."

"haha, I think I will too." I smile and head to the bathroom to change.

I put on a short sleeve rolling stones t-shirt and a pair of off-brand shorts. I then put my hair in a loose pineapple and put all of it inside my pink bonnet. As I walk out of the bathroom I bring a pair of ankle socks, just in case. 

I walk over to the unoccupied side of the bed and pull the sheets up. Courteously, Laurant shifts over to give me more room, while his eyes were still glued to his phone. Once I'm fully under the covers I awkwardly lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. Laurant looks over at me and puts his phone on his nightstand. 

"Long day wasn't it?" he jokes

"Yeah, so many darn volcanoes," I say evoking a laugh from him.

"did you enjoy them?" he asks.

"not really, but knowing you, I bet you had a great time."

"you're not wrong, I thought the volcanoes were pretty cool."

"That's good"

The conversation went quiet and a layer of awkwardness laid on our shoulders. trying to keep it going I ask, "How are your parents?"

Yikes...'how are your parents?' did I actually ask that??

"they're good, my mom really liked you. "

"really?" I asked.

"Yeah, she said it's because you watched Miraculous...which in her mind makes you very culturally aware."

"well, Miraculous is a good show"


We spend the rest of the night talking about the show, our favorite characters, our least favorite characters, our theories about the upcoming season, and so on. I fell asleep 50% of the way through the conversation but Laurant just kept talking without realizing that I stopped replying. He eventually fell asleep as well and we spent the night in the same bed, face to face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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