Halloween Bowls and Bathroom Tokes

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TW: Mentions of underage drinking, smoking, and drug use!

"Hey, Bart, are we early or something?" Milhouse asked, pushing his glasses back up on his nose. 

"I don't know, why?" Bart asked, tucking his keys down into the pocket of his jeans. 

"I think he's asking because there's not a lot of other people here," Lisa said, peering out the window at the house that only had Jimbo, Nelson, and Kearney's vehicles parked in the front yard. 

"Well, I don't care about who's here and who's not," Bart said, kicking open the door, "All I know is that I heard there is an insane amount of booze in that house right now and I'm not letting any bully or bully's hot mom is going to keep me from it." 

"I'm not sure that I can go in there until everyone else has showed up, that way it's harder for them to single me out." Milhouse whined. 

"Suit yourself," Eve shrugged, "But I'm going inside." 

"I'll stay here with Milhouse," Lisa said, "If we leave him here, he's going to have a panic attack because he doesn't recognize the neighborhood." 

"Alright, Lis," Eve shrugged, "I'm going to see what's going on inside and make sure that Bart doesn't get his ass beat." 

Eve stepped out of the car, much more stable on her feet in her platform boots than she had been when she'd first worn them out. She and Nelson got quite a few strange looks while they walked around town and she leaned against him and he held her upright with an arm around her waist. Thankfully, she could now hold herself up even while walking across uneven grass. 

As she walked up the steps, she realized that she'd never been inside Jimbo's house. All she'd ever seen was him draped across his front steps. It didn't bother her too much, and it wasn't like she was nervous to go inside, but she wasn't sure that she'd realized just how big it was when she'd seen it, half blinded by her anger at being left behind at work. 

She didn't bother with knocking or ringing the bell because Bart didn't, at least, she didn't hear him do so. Pushing open the door, she stepped into a wide-open foyer that seemed to stretch on forever. Further inside, she could see the boys, more specifically Nelson and Jimbo hovering over Bart as he tried his best to play it off like he wasn't terrified of the two of them. It confused Eve on why Bart was always so scared of Nelson since they could be friends when they wanted to be, which could be often. 

"Hey, lay off the loser," Eve sighed as she walked into the living room where all the boys were sitting, "I think we have bigger things to deal with, right now, besides Bart... existing."

"Oh yeah, like what?" Jimbo asked. 

"Like what?" She asked, "Listen, I know that you don't really socialize outside of your friend group much, but there's literally no one here and you said you invited like everyone in town." 

"Well, yeah..." Jimbo shrugged.

"You didn't invite anyone did you?" Nelson rolled his eyes. 

"No, I was going to, but I got busy and... just... never got around to it," he mumbled. 

"Alright, well, it sounds like we have some work to do before this place gets interesting," Eve said, pulling out her phone. 

She called Shauna; someone she knew Jimbo had told about the party. Shauna quickly picked up the phone even though she sounded to be mid argument with someone else. So, until she acknowledged Eve's call, she sat there in silence with the boys that stood around her. There was a lot of back and forth insults between Shauna's voice and the other voice which was ear-gratingly squeaky. 

Tough Love: Nelson Muntz x OCWhere stories live. Discover now