
674 18 8

Ship: Kuroo x Daichi

Word count: 455

Prompt: Daichi feels insecure...


"you seem bigger now"

"Compared to afar this guys huge up close"

"Karasuno's number 1 and 3 sure are big"

"This guy's Huge!"

These comments flew around Daichi's head. Every match was the same, the captain always heard something regarding he's size. Although they weren't for what he thinks, having stayed roughly the same hight since he's first year of high school Daichi always assumed people were implying he was 'fat'. When actually they were commenting on he's large, muscular build.

Light tears welled in the boys eyes as he stared at he's body in the mirror, only wearing boxers. stretch marks noticeable on he's thighs, upper-arms and mid section. Daichi let the tears flow as he lightly touched the marks, each and every one would leave a scar. even if they can barely be seen he'll still know they're there.

"Daichi! Kuroo is here!" Mrs Sawamura called out from down stairs. 'oh no' the brunette thought franticly wiping he's tears.

'I can't let Kuroo see me like this!' He thought. Footsteps coming up the stairs echoed through the quiet room.

"Heeeeyyyy baaabbbbyyyy~" Kuroo called bursting through the door. Daichi froze in he's place feeling those sharp cat-like eyes staring at him, tears still falling from he's eyes. "Daichi...what's wrong? Why are you crying?" The bedhead questioned, walking closer to the other captain.

"I-...umm, well ya see-" Daichi stuttered, not daring to look he's boyfriend in the eyes.

"Daichi, my love...please tell me what's wrong" Kuroo said, cupping the others cheek and lifting he's head forcing Daichi to look at him. Deep brown eyes stare into golden ones.

a sigh escaped the crow captains lips, after a minuted silence he finally spoke. "Am I fat...?" He mumbled barely above a whisper.

The question took Kuroo off guard. "Huh? Fat? Of course not, why would you think that?" He asked, securing he's arms around the shorter male.

"People keep saying I'm huge...but I'm barely even average hight..." Daichi explained burring he's face in Kuroo's chest. "And I have all these stretch marks-" he let go and took a step back, gesturing to the marks.

"Daichi, your not fat. Your muscular...and I've got stretch too" a small smile formed of Kuroo's lips as he turned around lifting up he's t-shirt to revel stretch marks up he's back. "see? I got them with my growth spirt"

The brunette cautiously walked towards the bed head, and gently traced the scars. "I'm...I'm sorry. I shouldn't let silly things get to me-" he was cut off by a kiss.

"Don't talk down on your self. It's okay to feel down sometimes. But just know you are the most handsome person I've ever met, and I love you. no matter what your size" Kuroo pecked the top of Daichi's forehead.

"Thank you Tetsurō...I love you too"


This ones pretty sensitive but this idea is exaggerated canon, Daichi is actually insecure when people say stuff like this.


𝙼𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢- Haikyuu rare pairsWhere stories live. Discover now