Coffee date-Iwadai

348 13 11

Ship: Iwaizumi x Daichi
Word count: 439
Prompt: The gay way (Collage AU)


Daichi wandered through the halls aimlessly, he had finished he's classes for the day and luckily had no homework to do. It was currently 12:53 meaning the later lunch rush was about to begin. He continued to walk around the school no goal or activity to do in mind, sure he had a dorm but he didn't feel like being alone there at this point in time.

'Maybe I could practice?' He thought, nearing the gym. The brunette strolled across the large campus field, arriving at he destination minutes later. Daichi headed into the locker room, changed and entered the gym. To he's surprise there was already someone training. The closing of the door caught the attention of the other, making them turn towards where the sound came from seeing Daichi in the process.

"Sawamura?" They said


"Yeah, What are you doing here?" Hajime asked, he walked over the the nearby bench grabbing a water bottle.

"I was going to train, as I have nothing else to do today" Daichi admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of he's neck. "I can leave if you want. you were here first"

"No! I mean- it's fine, we could train together if you'd like" Iwa stopped him quickly, maybe a little too quickly.

"That would be nice"

So the two practice together, both learning new techniques. This happened for a couple weeks, Daichi and Iwaizumi would meet up in the gym and practice.

Hajime started to notice things about Daichi he never noticed before. The way he's eyes lit up after saving the ball, the awkward smile he does when nervous and how his willing to help anyone with anything. Iwa felt hot and fuzzy whenever he was around Daichi, he felt the blood rush to he's cheeks when he smiled at him. 'I should just do it!' he thought spotting Daichi in the gym already, taking a deep breath he started making he's way over.

"Hey Daichi! Do you want to get some coffee sometime, maybe?" The ace asked, running up to said boy.

"Uh-ye-Yeah!?" Sawamura answered, shocked by the sudden question.

"Great! Um after school?"

"Yeah after it is...wait. you do mean that in a gay way right?" Daichi asked slightly flustered.

"Yes in a gay way"

"Full homo?"

"A full homosexual coffee date"

"Well then...I guess i'll see you there, Ace~" the captain said in a hushed voice, he gave Iwa a quick peck on the cheek before jogging down the hall. Iwaizumi was left red, he's brain still processing what had just happened. He watched the other disappear starstruck, fingers lightly grazing where the kiss was placed.

"I might never wash this cheek again..." He mumbled.

Let's just say the date went well =)


Who should I do next?


𝙼𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢- Haikyuu rare pairsWhere stories live. Discover now