
531 17 4

Ship: Kuguri x Shibayama

Word count: 214

Prompt: Kuguri helps Shibayama calm down

⚠️Warning: mentions of a panic attack⚠️



All he needs to do is breath...

Panic rushed through he's body; sweat dripped down he's forehead; he's leg bouncing uncontrollably. A loud thunderclap sounded, scaring the libero. Shibayama jolted when another came, the loudest one so far.

"It's ok...its just a need to panic...I'll just go back to sleep" He reassured himself quietly, being careful not to wake he's sleeping boyfriend beside him. Thunder storms had always been a big fear of Shibayama's , ever since he was little. The room lit up for a second, the light from lightning outside shone through the curtain.

The black haired boy silently laid down, he breathed out heavily trying to fall back to sleep. Shibayama fidgeted in the bed, tangling the sheets around him.

"Hmmm? Yama?" A groggy mumble from behind the small boy scared him.

"Ku, I'm so sorry! did I wake you?" He whispered Turing to face to face the taller male. Panic still slightly evident.

A loud bang from outside made the libreo cling to Kuguri. The previously sleeping teen hadn't known there was a storm until that moment. "'s ok, I'm here" he coed, wrapping he's arms around Shibayama securely. The smaller boys face buried in he's chest.

Tears started to fall from said boys eyes, soaking Kuguri's t-shirt.

"I've got you...your safe now Yūki"

"Thank you...Naoyasu"


This ones really short but I like it😅


𝙼𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢- Haikyuu rare pairsWhere stories live. Discover now