Chapter 10 - Annie

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"Oh, hey Annie!" Mikasa said, as I went down to the table. "Hey, guys," I yawned back. They were all in jackets, but the only thing that was closest to a jacket that I had was Armin's sweatshirt.

"Who's sweatshirt is that? It's much too large to be yours," Sasha remarked. Oh no... where's Armin when you need him.

"Oh, it's, uh," I saw Armin catching a quick glance at me from the other table. "Nobody's," I continued. Mikasa looked at me, confused.

"That looks a lot like..." she shook her head. "Nevermind." She finished her breakfast. "Anyways, where have you been? You're barely in the girl's dorm most nights." I hoped that they couldn't tell that my face was sweating.

"I'm just- um," I looked down. What would Armin say? "Guys, stop pestering her." Ymir winked at Sasha and Mikasa, who's eyes widened. "Oh, that's probably none of our business. Sorry for being so nosy."

That night, Armin and I met up where we usually did at night. We were just talking, which of course, turned to kissing, and soon enough we were having a makeout session in the corridors.

I guess we were louder than we usually were, because we didn't see Connie and Sasha walking past.

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