Chapter 11 - Armin

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The next morning when Annie and I walked in with each other, I couldn't help but fear that people were staring at us.

The girls and the boys were sitting at the same table, to our confusion. "H-hey?" I said, confused. Eren and Mikasa grabbed my hand and led me out of the room.

Once we were around the corridor, they started laughing. "What- what's wrong?" I asked, my face feeling hot.

"You owe me, Eren," Mikasa said. "Oh, shut up," Eren replied, rolling his eyes. What's going on?

"You and Annie have been hooking up?" Mikasa asked, to my surprise. What? "Well-" I tried to come up with something. "Sasha and Connie told me, this morning that they saw you two the other night-"

"Saw us- saw us what, exactly?" I broke out into a panicked sweat. "So, it's true? You and her? In the corridor?" Eren asked, his eyes wide.

"Doing what in the corridor, Mikasa," I could feel my breathing start to get faster. No, I can't let them know.

"Just- kissing...?" She looked nervous. "Was there something else you didn't want us to see-?" I swallowed. "Uh, hold on a moment..."

I ran out of the hallway and back into the dining room. Annie was sitting in an awkward silence with the rest of them. I grabbed her hand and led her into a closet.

"I'm so sorry, Annie, did they see your neck-" She just sighed. "No," to my surprise, she laughed. "It's alright. It's not like they saw anything more." I hugged her.

"The sweatshirt might have made it obvious, though." She looked back down at her feet. "But it was worth it, every second of it."

That night, we went for a walk outside. We sat down under a tree, staying silent in one another's arms.

"I love you, Annie."

"I love you too."

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