Chapter 12 - Annie

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(Two years later)

It was sunny that day. The last year of our training was almost over. I had become closer to everyone, and Armin and I still went on our nightly 'walks'... which sometimes ended up with us both waking up in his room in the morning.

I walked down to the breakfast table. It was oddly silent. "Hey, everyone." I sat down. They looked as if they were trying not to say anything. I laughed to try to lighten up the mood, before realizing that Armin wasn't there. "So..."

"He's coming," Eren said to me. "Oh- okay, thanks," I ate some breakfast. "By the way, Captain Levi said he wants you down there at training early, by the way. He told me to pass on the message." Mikasa added.

"Oh, alright." That's weird. He never asks that. I got up to go to the training area, where Captain Levi was waiting for me.

"Hello, Annie." He looked up at me. "So? What was I called down for?" It came off as a little rude, but I just wanted to know what was going on.

He sighed, his expression not differing. "Oh, I just wanted" What? He looked at me up and down. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I can see why he loves you so much," I looked at him, speechless. What was he getting at? "You're both always looking for answers."

"What does that have to do with anything- why am I here-" I was getting angrier. "Just- watch the sunrise for a little while."

"Come on, there has to be some reason why this is going on..." I looked at Levi. I think this was the first time in all my years here that he even showed a bit of happiness. "You know, you two really are soulmates. I can see why everyone says so, anyways."

"What does Armin have to do with any of this?" He just smirked. "Answer me, Captain." He looked back at me. "I'm the one in charge here, okay?" He checked his watch. "Just... come with me, I want to show you something. Get your horse."

I'm so confused. I just sighed and complied. It was obvious that he wouldn't tell me what the current situation was, and arguing with the captain was fruitless anyways.

As we rode down the plains, I felt the sun getting warmer and I swore I could hear seagulls. "Captain? Are we..."

"Yes, we're at the sea." He said, cutting me off. He looked back at me, his tired eyes giving me a knowing look.

I got off of my horse and tied it to a fence nearby. I walked onto the sand. It was beautiful. The blue water glistened in the sunlight. "So this is what...he told me about..." Captain Levi looked up at me.

"I guess it's pretty." I looked back at him. "Captain... it's beautiful," I felt a tear roll down my cheek, to Captain Levi's surprise. I don't think I've ever cried in front of someone other than Armin.

"I promised, didn't I?" I turned around, to see Armin standing there. In a suit?

"I promised you that I'd take you to the ocean." He put his hands around my waist. "It's- it's just how you said it was," I whispered. "I know. Beautiful, isn't it?" He whispered back.

I kissed him softly, another tear coming down my face. Something about his lips had become so comforting. "Sorry, I-" He looked at me and laughed. "What's there to be sorry about? I wanted to see it with you."

I couldn't help but to smile. I swore I saw Mikasa peeking out of a bush. And she was... crying? Too? Why would Mikasa be here?

He took his arms off from around me and held my hand. "Come watch it with me." The sun had turned into a beautiful orange hue. "Armin? Why are you so dressed up? Did I forget something?" Oh no. What was it today? Think?

As I was caught up thinking, I didn't realize that Armin broke apart from my hand. "A-Armin?" I turned around. He was kneeling on the floor... with a ring?

The sea in the background calmed me. I didn't know what to say or think. The sun accentuated his bright, fluffy hair, and his eyes glistened. His smile was perfect.

"Annie, will you marry me?"

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