Miraxu... we've talked about this!

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Oh Mavis, goddess of fate, why do you hate me so?

Not only are my ships running into one mishap after another, but the entirety of heaven seems to be pushing me towards the cause.

"Just let me watch my ships in peace!" I cry as Lisanna pulls me by my hair towards the party.

"Stop being an introvert! This is Elfman's and Evergreen's engagement party! Your one and only baby brother is getting married to the girl of his dreams, so be happy damn it!" Lisanna yells through clenched teeth, but I won't budge.

"Elfgreen is sailing and I couldn't be happier! But all the more reason why I need to get more of my ships sailing while Laxus is distracted here! We're in a critical phase right now with multiple sailing operations! This is for my happiness!" I protest.

"Why don't you two just get together already!"

"Why have you been so obsessed with this lately? Laxus clearly doesn't like me!" Lisanna is always obsessed with something, being the goddess of obsession and all. Last week it was cheese. The week before last, it was bullet ants.

Never have I ever been in so much pain as when I accidentally walked into Lisanna's ant farm. But that's beside the point. This newest obsession of hers has to go away now.

It's bad enough that Laxus has become (I shudder to think this) endurable lately. With Elfman and Evergreen together and Bicksanna not far behind, the ship name Miraxus has been floating around heaven more and more frequently.

"Clearly doesn't—?! You're a goddess of love, why are you so oblivious when it teases you every chance it gets?" Lisanna yells, finally winning our mini tug-o-war. My scalp hurts, and I guess I do want to know when to expect Elfgreen babies.

But Laxus liking me? No way! Lisanna is deluding herself. There is no next time!

Next Time, For Sure, This Ship Will Sail!Where stories live. Discover now