Gruvia 3

38 4 0

Ah, winter, the season for cozy sweaters and hot cocoa, and cuddling with your OTP beside a warm fireplace. You know what else it's time for?

Secret Santa in the office! Boo-yah!

Juvia's in charge this year, and I rigged it so she's getting a gift for her—futurely—beloved Gray-sama.

I admit, things have been a little rocky (Hi, Laxus!) between coworker and boss. But he hasn't fired her yet! This will surely bring them closer together.

Juvia knits a scarf by hand for the occasion. Kyaaaa, she's too precious! Gray... isn't prone to clothes, but he's sure to appreciate this!

Alright, handoff successful, the exchange is complete! Yes yes yes yes yes yasssss! I did it, woo-hoo!!!

Juvia will see him wearing it around and will feel her heart flutter as she realizes maybe her cold boss isn't so bad after all! Then they can finally begin the haters-to-lovers office romance! Squeeeee!

Um, excuse you?! Gray, why do you look so disappointed? Juvia worked hard on that!

Hmmm? What's this? Insignificant coworker #4 put her own name on it instead, so Gray doesn't realize it's from Juvia!? This girl is bad luck, and I know what that means!

I scan for him with my eyes, not moving my head. I will protect this ship. Humph!

Gray looks up, making eye contact with Juvia across the office. Insignificant coworker #4 steps in between, fluttering her eyelashes at Gray. Ugh, get lost biatch! You're in the way of Gruvia!

Gray's eyes drift down to Juvia's hands, which are all bandaged up from mistakes with the needle.

I spot Laxus hiding in the back, sniggering away, and judo flip him.

"You will not mess up this Secret Santa party!"

"No, I won't." He points down through the glass floor. "Because it's already over."

What?! Noo! I have yet to make any progress with Gruvia! What about Juvia's present? I hope Gray didn't throw it away in front of her!

He's wearing it! Yassss! But I thought Gray abhorred insignificant coworker #4? Maybe he saw something that changed his mind.

I don't know, but one things for certain. Next time, for sure, this ship will sail!

Next Time, For Sure, This Ship Will Sail!Where stories live. Discover now