Jerza 3

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I've been saving this card for a while... the inevitably heart-pounding kabedon and princess carry!

Jellal is a little bit timid after all. I'll make him trip and kabedon Erza in her office. Then she'll get flustered and try to leave, only to trip herself. Jellal will proceed to princess carry her to the health clinic. She'll see how reliable I know he is deep down!

Tee hee! This can't fail!

Okay, yes, the scene is set perfectly. That inconvenient step-stool that Erza uses to reach the top shelf of her office bookcase is sticking out into the walkway a little further than usual.

Now I need bad luck, believe it or not (and no, this is not just an excuse to talk to Laxus).

"Remember the plan." I tell him. "Bad luckify Erza into tripping over the step-stool while Jellal is there. He can catch her and work the wall slam magic!"

They're alone together in her office. Yes!

Jellal is standing in front of the bookcase. Yessss!!

Erza asks a question and walks towards him, only to trip over the step-stool. YASSSSSS!!

Erza wall slams Jellal?! NO!!!

That's not how it's supposed to go! Jellal was supposed to catch her, but instead Erza fell into him and *boom* reverse kabedon.

His back is to the bookcase and she manages to raise her arms and brace herself on one of the shelves.

Jellal is now pinned between Erza and the bookcase, her arms grabbing the wood on either side of his face, caging him in. Their breath mingles.

Jellal flushes and ducks out of the kabedon, backing up rapidly... only to trip over the step-stool and twist his ankle. Cue facepalm.

Erza immediately panics and grabs Jellal, carrying him in a princess (prince?) carry all the way to the health clinic. They earn many stares and Jellal has his beet red face buried in his hands the entire way.

"You never specified who should carry whom. I did exactly what you asked." Laxus smirks smugly, that infuriatingly insufferable bastard.

"And I'm wearing high heels." I smile sweetly.

Laxus looks down at my feet just in time to watch my foot stomp down on his, hard.

He'll see! Next time, for sure, this ship will sail!
Which of the four below is your favorite kabedon? Least favorite? Tell me why! 😁

He'll see! Next time, for sure, this ship will sail!••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Which of the four below is your favorite kabedon? Least favorite? Tell me why! 😁

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