In the love - Inosuke☁️

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Sorry this one is really long!

You are a demon slayer, congrats! You fight alongside Tanjiro in final selection and have stuck together since. You meet a crybaby and a boar man along the way. You oddly take interest in the boar man, what does the future hold for you?

y/n pov
I walk fast, excited for our mission. I'm glad I don't have to hunt demons alone. Especially when the person I hunt with has a natural gift! Tanjiro and I talk as we walk a trail between a field. 'I wonder if we can actually heal Nezuko...i hope so. If not then we'll die trying I guess'

I am abruptly stopped by Tanjiro and the sounds of whining. 'What the-' I see a boy with bright colored hair pestering a woman to marry him? 'They don't even seem to know each other' I walk towards the two and pull the boy off of the woman while yelling that she clearly doesn't want to marry him. He then starts to ask me to marry him. 'oh boy.'

Tanjiro snaps and yells very sternly at the boy. I'm not sure exactly what happened after that but the woman left and the boy ended up joining us. His name was zenitsu, he has really good hearing and sort of complains all the time.

We arrive at our destination and I begin to see two kids hidden in a bush crying. I point it out to Tanjiro but he's frozen with how strong the demon scent from the house was. Zenitsu hits him in the back of the neck and he breaks from the trance. He comforts the kids and promises them he'll get their brother back. Zenitsu is just as scared, hidden behind the kids as a boy is thrown out of the window, who wasn't their brother. We were forced to go inside.

We enter together and are split up as it appears the house is being moved around. I get pushed into a room with Tanjiro. A demon approaches as we pull out of blades ready for combat.

The demon moves the room around causing Tanjiro and I to get many bruises as were being pushed and pulled around from the ceiling, wall, and floor. Then out of no where we hear yelling then a creature running towards the demon. 'woah ambition!'

Tanjiro and I are confused but try to predict our jumps so we don't continue to fall. The yelling creature jumps back out the window and in the end we behead the demon and begin to look for Zenistu and the childrens brother.

Zenistu had found their brother and defeated a demon.(granted he was unconscious but just let him have this) We walk out as we hear grunting. I look over and see another kid with the younger children,I assume it's their brother. Then I see Zenistu over Nezukos box as he's being beaten by the creature from earlier.

Tanjiro runs toward the creature attempting to push him away but not fight him. The creature takes it as a challenge and I finally get a better look at him. He's not a creature at all, but a human who seems to be our age. He just has a boar mask on. He even seems to be a demon slayer, but what's another member doing here? let alone trying to fight other demon slayers?

I run towards Zenistu trying to get him and Nezuko out of harms way. That was a mistake. The boar man runs head-first for me. I deflect without drawing my blade. 'I cant fight another member, and anyways I cant fight and protect these two at the same time...'

"Hey!" I yell. "Who are you and what are you doing? Are you crazy?" He stops in his tracks and just begins to boast on how great he is. 'Oh great.'

He begins to fight with Tanjiro again who is trying to end it. Then it happened. The boar mans mask fell and the face behind it was unexpected. A beautiful face with bright eyes and blue tipped hair, I must say for someone with missing brain cells his looks definitely make up for it. He is just grinning as he begins to calm down.

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