Here with me - Dabi ☁️📝

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You finally shift, yay!  Where you may ask? Well...My Hero Academia! You wake up on a couch and see a blur of purple and black, who could it be? Spend the day with this person, have fun!

y/n pov
I lay down in a starfish position and begin to count while visualizing. I don't really have a method but I stick to what gives me the most symptoms. I have a subliminal playing hoping that will boost my manifestations.

I feel my arm twitch, then my foot. I suddenly feel pressure on my shoulders and chest as if someone's shaking me. I open my eyes out of fear and am shocked at what I see.

My vision is blurred but I can definitely tell i'm no longer in my room. I blink a few times and see Dabi in front of me. I did it! I shifted! I made it!

I sit up to get a better look. I turn towards Dabi, now sitting at the bar as if he wasn't just violently shaking me.

"Uhm...hi?" I say questionably. "Oh, you're awake." he bluntly says. "well yea, that'll happen when u shake someone till their bruised..." I mumble under my breathe, hoping he didn't hear.

"Well, are you ok?" he ask. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused. 'what happened to me?  AM I ok?' "Well you passed out yesterday, almost hitting your head on the bar. Shiggy caught you before you did though." He said. 'could've sworn there was some jealousy on that second half of the sentence...'

Then realization hit that...I actually shifted. Like this is the real Dabi. So without thinking I yelled "LETS HANGOUT! YOU KNOW, DO SOMETHING TOGETHER!"

He scoffed at your use of the word "together" but he secretly enjoyed it.

His eyes widened and just shrugged his shoulders while heading towards his room. I took that as a no and was quite disappointed. I took my phone out my pocket hoping to get more information of my current situation as I have no idea of the life I have here.

A few minutes pass and I see Dabi walk out with his jacket and shoes on, going to grab his keys. "You coming?" He ask with a smirk. My eyes light up, practically beaming.

I throw my shoes on and jump off the couch. Dabi walked out the door and I followed behind him almost knocking into him as I turned my back yelling "BYE EVERYONE, SEE YOU LATER! WELL BRING BACK DINNER!"

I was ecstatic for this trip. I didn't think he would go after he walked out, guess he was messing with me. Should've expected that. Kinda pissed me off to be honest but he did come, so I couldn't stay mad.

I jump into the passenger seat as Dabi gets in the driver. He doesn't buckle up but I know damn well not to put my life in the hands of Dabis driving.

"What do you want to do?" he ask, finally breaking the somewhat silence. "I don't know i'm not good with decisions." I complain. "Ok then we'll just go back insi-" I cut him off and lock the door. "NO!" I yell. "Let's uhm...go to the beach!" I manage to think of off the top of my head. I didn't really want to go to the beach but I wanted to do something with him today.

"Hm..." he thought. "How" He shut me down. "How does ice cream sound?" He ask. "Sounds good" I say, with that anime smile. It was hard to see but I could tell he blushed at me while turning away to begin driving.

We arrive at a ice cream shop with hundreds of flavors and topping options. 'hm...i don't know what to get' "So what are you getting?" I asked dabi, in hopes he'd give me an idea. "Rocky road" he says bluntly. "Oh! i'll just get f/ic"

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