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Immediately when Niall woke up he took the pain killers, four pills that he gulped down with a large chug of vodka, making it burn harshly down his throat making him wince, but it was nothing compared to his bum.

Blood, that's all he woke up to, pooling between his legs, and stained across the white sheets, crusty and dry against his inner thighs. He knew he should see a doctor, but then he would lose everything, and something-even thought it's an abusive dick as a boyfriend-is better then nothing.

He sat on the balcony, legs crossed, he had on his old boxers that he wore when he was with the boys, and he realizes now how truly unhealthy he was, the boxers now are too large, his legs looking like noodles, the boxers hanging off his hips, held up by nothing, meaning he had to hold them up with his hands. He had bruises down his legs from the two men at the fair the other night, making him look even more unhealthy and gross.

He felt around weakly for his smokes, hand brushing against a lone line of cocaine and bumping into an empty beer can, making it tumble onto the balcony and fall off the edge, the hollow clink of it hitting the sidewalk totally oblivious to him as his fingers curled against the box of smokes and pulled them towards him, bringing it into his lap and pulling out the third last cancer stick. It was crinkled up from being stuffed somewhere random, probably found by him when he was high or Nick finding them and using them as his own. Then it left around like garbage like all the other cigarette boxes and beer cans and bottles.

He struggled along the table beside him again for the lighter, hitting another beer can and getting more cocaine on his skin, but soon his fingers brushed the lighter, grabbing it and then bringing it to his cigarette, lighting it, and then very shakily bring it up to his lips. He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes when he felt the toxins flow into his lungs, burn his throat and mixing with the vodka.

He could hear Nick, getting out of bed and walking probably to the bathroom to throw up. It would probably take a few minutes before he got yelled at again, he could tell it wasn't going to be a good day, and that means he'll be out prostituting earlier then usual tonight, and with a different payment.

He didn't want to have group sex, he had limits, at first, but now that he was gone too deep with Nick and the stupid job, he had no limits, Nick made sure of it. Now there will be advertisements at gay clubs, soon word will go around that he is looking for group sex, and then he'll be getting double penetrated by two ugly, sweaty beasts. But more money will be in his hands, then he'll give it all to Nick, sneak some for himself, and then he'll waste it all for drugs and alcohol, Nick spending it on god knows what.

The sound of the gagging stopped and his cigarette was done by then, making Niall curse at how much he wasted in his daze. He crushed it on the tabletop and then flicked the dud over the side of the balcony, now was the hard part, getting up.

He wanted to look at least tough enough in front of Nick, maybe on shaky legs and holding up his boxers that were now too big for him, but it would be enough to make his angered boyfriend leave him alone.

Nick strode into the room, a face of rage, glaring ahead but stopping, noticing Niall barely standing, one hand rested on the table, the other holding up large boxers that had no grip to his tiny, skeletal body.

"You look like a little bitch standing all weak over there, your lucky I'm going out. I'll be back in an hour, I expect breakfast on the table, I left some money on the bedside table, get some new sheets since you dirtied it last night." Nick grumbled and each word hit Niall hard, making him flinch and his legs wobble in despair.

He finally let them give out when Nick slammed the front door shut, his body hitting hard onto the ground, making his knee sting in pain, but his heart and bum hurt more then ever.

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