~ FIVE ~

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| M O N E Y |

Niall felt like shit. Well, that's probably normal since he got three dicks in the ass in all of last night. He didn't like it but the money he got was rewarding, in total he got 1,100 pounds. He's not cheap.

The first guy was 470, the second was 250, and the third guy was 380 pounds. Last night was a good pay.


Niall walked into the living room, seeing Nick snoring away on the couch. Passed out from the beer that he is still holding but barely by his fingertips.

Niall slowly took off his sweater, then his undergarments and slowly walked towards Nick. Then straddling his clothed crotch but it was only hiding behind a thin pair of boxers.

He started to grind down on his lovers crotch smiling as Nick groaned and grasped Niall's naked hips.

Nicolas's eyes shot open, surprised but then he smiled and leaned up, kissing Niall's lips and then slumping back down.

"Money?" He asked and Niall smiled getting off of Nick for a second, bending over and then got back up with the cash in hand. Straddling Nick's crotch once again and then setting the money on his chest.

Nicolas smiled and took one of his hands off of Niall's hip, smiling at the money and counting it.

"1,100 pounds. Good god baby, you did good tonight!" Nick said leaning up once again but this time snogging the life out of Niall, squeezing his bum roughly making Niall yelp in pain.

But he didn't give a shit.

"What did you do to get all this shit?" Nicolas asked and Niall smirked leaning his forehead on Nick's.

"First guy had a small party around a camp fire, gave them a little show got the guy to fuck me in front of his pervy friends." Niall said with a smirk and a light chuckle.

Nick froze and glared up at Niall.

"Did you pay them all to watch you?" He asked and Niall seemed to stiffen and Nick's now increasingly harsh grip on his hips.

"N-no. They helped pay the guy I thought that was enough." Niall said and in a flash a loud slap echoed through the trashed flat, Niall on the ground in a heap as he gasped and held his cheek in pain.

Tears started to roll down Niall's rosy cheeks as he looked up at a raged Nicolas.

"You fucking lost us about 400 hundred pounds! Those men need to pay to look at your body not help the dude your horeing around to!" Nick screamed in Niall face. Niall screamed back.

"Stop yelling at me!" Niall screamed and Nick froze, but kneeled down to Niall's level.

Nick grabbed Niall's chin roughly making him stare into those dark eyes. "Sometimes, you can be so fucking stupid." Nicolas growled and then roughly pushed Niall's face away.

"Now, go get me some beer!" He yelled and threw some cash at Niall.

Niall, now getting to his feet ran to their shared room and started to put on some clothing. Black skinny jeans and a white sweater to hide the bruises he got from last night and the many nights before.

Walking out and going into the bathroom, fixing his hair and putting some makeup on his cheek he walked out of the flat. Putting on some combat boots.

He cried the whole way there, having to deal with Nick's anger issues whenever he did something apparently wrong in his books. There was no rules for prostitutes, just don't get caught by the police. That's all.

And now, he's upset that Nick hit him. Nick has hit him so many times its been as much as a routine as prostitution and drug use.

He walked till he saw the very run down and rusty looking beer store, the one were homeless men lay around at the back of the store, a good place to go prancing around when Niall wanted someone cheap.

Although, the homeless men were more needy and they were very rough. Who wasn't? Prostitutes were nothing.

He walked into the beer store, grabbing two packs of beer and paying the man, of course Niall flirted a little bit and then walked out.

He had about 20 pounds left, might as well get two packs of cigarettes for him and Nick.

He got to the drug store, opened the door and payed for the cigarettes, ignoring the warning sign and opening one, grabbing the lighter he always had in his pocket and lit it. Taking a nice drag and a sudden relief flooded his mind and airways.

He smiled through the cigarette.


The four boyfriends all cheered as they saw the sign for BlackPool, but frowned at the very disgusting looking streets. They must be in the bad part of the city.

They seriously felt out of place driving with their vintage car that was literally washed everyday. The streets were filled with trash, food and blankets were left by homeless people. They didn't want to think about what would happen at night.

Finally, Zayn pulled the car into a decent looking gas station, seeing that they needed a lot more gas for their road trip, next stop was LiverPool.

They all got out, stretching, Zayn and Louis going into the store.

Liam and Harry stood around the car, Liam taking the pump and setting it into the gas tank of the car.

"Nice town." Harry mumbled sarcastically and Liam glared at him but pecked the side of his curls.

"Just wait, when we get to the beaches and the theme park we'll have a blast. We are staying here for a week and we are going to have a good time." Liam said confidently and Harry chuckled, shaking his head and leaning against the car.

Zayn bought his cigarettes and walked back outside, Louis still looking for some food and drinks and to buy for the gas.

Zayn leaned against the wall of the station, not getting to close to the gas as he lit his cigarette.

A boy was beside him, his blondish brown locks hung low down on his forehead, hiding his eyes as he held a shaky hand up to press his cigarette to his own mouth. Zayn just felt like it was wrong, a boy so frail and well, beautiful looking even though it was just the side of his face he could see, could just smoke. The boy also looked like he had been doing drugs, just by how shaky he was, his legs were like jello as he stood, even when he was leaning against the wall.

But suddenly the boy stood up, smacking the cigarette to the ground and looking up.

Zayn gasped, his eyes going wide as he looked at, at....




Sorry that it took me a while to update this. But here's another chapter!

Also, sorry it was short. But you people got your wish for the boys to meet Niall.

And since you people got your wish I have a question.

What will be the future for Niall's and the boys relationship?

~ Direction_Minx ~

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