~ TEN ~

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| A N C H O R |

Niall was already out the door before the boys could say anything, and Harry saw the tears falling viciously down the pale boys cheeks. Zayn saw how skinny Niall was at the carnival, the thigh gap and the vibrant collarbones and cheekbones. Liam saw how scared Niall looked when those men were sexually harassing him, the pure fear in those dull blue eyes. Louis noticed how Niall flinched when he opened the door to their hotel, the jolt of electricity that sparked in Niall's eyes like the boy thought he was going to attack him just like those perverted old men did. They all knew something was wrong with their ex, but prostitution? They never thought of such a thing, maybe a bad new partner or drugs and alcohol based on their encounter at the gas station, but this, it made them all stone and it was like time was frozen, no one spoke, no one moved, the t.v was muted in their thoughts.

Prostitution? The beautiful cute blonde boy that laughed at every little thing, was the number one best cuddler, the one that was known as the "anchor" in their relationship. Prostitution just sounds so wrong and out of place, making no sense in their minds no matter what situation they replay it as. When they left Niall, they refused to think of the boy, no, they didn't think he was going to be some homeless druggie on the street, miserable without them in his life. Just as little as looking at a blonde headed boy on the street walking past them makes their mind melt with visions of their ex boyfriend. It kills them, stabs them a million times in their chests to just think about why they even dumped Niall, without giving the blonde boy a chance to explain himself. And now that they are realizing that they are the reason Niall is a prostitute, they are the reason Niall is so skinny. They are the reason Niall is so broken, it makes them sick to their stomachs.

No apologies could fix this.

No gifts could mend this.

And one thing deemed upon them as they slowly looked at each other, tears in their eyes. They needed to fix this, they needed Niall, because like they said, Niall was their anchor and without an anchor to a boat... It keeps sailing and never stops till it either has drifted off into nothing, or has crashed. And right now the boys were separated from Niall, on different boats. Them on a boat sailing out in the middle of nowhere, drifting off into the endless sea. And Niall, Niall's boat has sunk, leaving him fighting to stay alive. No one allowed to be let into his mangled little heart that beat only to stay above water. The blonde was tired, weak, done with the cruel world. And now the boys had to turn their ship around and find him again, it might take awhile, having to go through many different storms, but they knew that Niall was their little treasure, the heart of the sea. The anchor. And they still don't know why the hell they left the boy, but they damn well are going to do everything they can to get him back, no matter what gets in their way.

And they nodded at each other, no words exchanged, no words needed. They knew what was swarming in their minds, what else would their be at this time?

Niall is lost, probably sinking deep down into the bottom of the ocean, but the boys were already on their way to find him, and they would sink too if they had to.


Why was he crying? Who was he crying for? What feelings did he feel to even start these tears? He has cried many times, too many, but he knew why, but this was so confusing, he felt this deep pang in his chest, but he didn't know what it was. Was it worry? Was is anger? Was is sadness? He knew one thing, and that was that the feelings all went towards the boys.


He rushed up the stairs and into his flat, slamming the door behind him. He didn't care if Nick was there or not, he had bigger problems and Nick never asked why he was crying, he was used to seeing Niall rushing into the flat with tears rolling down his cheeks. It broke Niall's heart even more to have that realization-which came up more often-that Nick didn't care that he just got raped or hit by another man.

It almost made him miss the times with Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry.


"Hey babe. Where'd you head off to?" The scruffy, low morning tone of Nick came from the living room. Niall thought to just ignore his boyfriend, to keep walking down the hallway and into the room to rest and drown in his own confounded tears, but his overpowering worry that Nick was going to hurt him overtook him.

He slowly walked into the living room, forcing a shaky smile to creep onto his pale, skinny face. Nick didn't even smile back, just raised his brows at him. Waiting for the answer to his question.

"Uhm, I went out for a smoke." Niall said and Nick rolled his eyes and got up, Niall flinched when he settled his large hands onto Niall's shoulders. And Nick's grip was harsh, making him whimper and shake in pain and fear.

"I'm not stupid baby... You left here and came back twenty minutes later, where the fuck were you." Nick's voice became darker as he spoke, his eyes narrowing down at Niall's face.

He knew he probably was sweating, he probably looked horrible, with the red rimmed eyes and bruised skin from the men last night, but he tried his best to stay calm and show as little weakness as possible.

"I went for a short walk down the block, needed to clear my head a little bit. Last night didn't go so well." Niall said, and half of it was true, of course he didn't go for the walk, but the part of last night not going to well was obviously true.

Nick's face softened and Niall almost thought, almost believed that Nick was actually going to ask what happened, hold him as he cried out all the jumbled up sadness that was locked into his heart and mind, to just pour out all the things he desperately wanted to say to him. But then Nick's expression hardened, and Niall's heart sunk.

He was suddenly on the floor, his vision clearing up enough to see the dust that blanketed the hardwood floor of their flat, he couldn't hear anything, the ringing in his one ear felt like someone took a blow-horn and blasted it right into his eardrum. But the slight sound of someone yelling was in the background, he knew it was Nick probably cursing every word in the book at him, saying how worthless he was for not getting money for them, how he was too ugly for the men now. Nick's rage's went on for hours, non-stop hitting Niall harshly with cruel names, sometimes the literal hitting came when Nick would swing his heavy, black combat boots into his rib cage.

"Do you want to get drugs?! Do want the weed and cocaine?! All that fucking beer, wine and liquor that we get is now blown out the window because your too god damn ugly and weak to get paid!" Nick's screaming hit him harshly now, his hearing coming back in full force making him cringe.

Suddenly, he felt his hair getting tugged violently upwards, forcing his aching body to be set on his knees. He squeezed his eyes shut, muffling a scream in his throat by clenching his teeth. Nick's hot breath was against his ear, teeth grazing his lobe.

"I live off you, so you better get you ugly, fat ass together before I kick you to the curb and find some other bitch." Nick hissed and Niall didn't have the strength to hold back the sob. Tears streaming down his face. Why couldn't his life be better now? He gets left to fend for himself by his four boyfriends he thought would always love him, then he meets Nick who he thought would be the one, like in those stupid cliché romance movies where the girl gets dumped by an ass of a boyfriend and then finds this perfect guy who was a million times better then the other, but no, Nick was all loving and nice to him until they finally started to get into drugs and alcohol and soon enough they got addicted, and where did they get all the money? Nick's job that he had as a bartender, but then he got fired and they literally lived on the streets for two months until Nick finally convinced him that prostitution was the only way to get them into a house, only way to get them to have those addicting drugs and burning alcohol.

And as you can tell, it's now gotten out of control.


Nick suddenly grazed his teeth along Niall's jawline till he nibbled at his bottom lip, moaning. "Now, why don't you start by burning off some calories, ride on my dick all day, hmm?" Nick said and chuckled, slapping Niall's ass roughly before pulling him by the hair towards their bedroom.



I sometimes get a little worried about this book because it does get a little violent and sexual sometimes, like with this chapter and the last. But I hope you all liked this one :)

I always appreciate your lovely comments by the way.

~ Direction_Minx ~

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