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| T O G E T H E R |

Nick was sat on the couch in the living room, a cigarette hanging between his lips as he counted out the pounds Niall had made last night. He was mumbling under his breath, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred. The money was piling up one by one until he got up to one thousand pounds, a smile coming across his face once his eyes scanned across all of it laid out along the table, all for him and Ivy to spend. 

There was one thousand five hundred pounds in total that Niall had gotten last night from Don, but of course he had to keep some for himself, for his own needs. Nick was a smart man at times, had caught Niall many times before stealing his shit or attempting to run away. But Nick wasn't that smart, had dropped out of tenth grade in high school with barely any education because he wanted to spend his life living in parties and getting high. So he was too stupid to realize that the money wasn't adding up the way it was supposed to, he wasn't calculating it all in the end and only taking in the fact that he had one thousand pounds to spend, not knowing he was missing out on five hundred more. 

Niall of course wasn't complaining, the stash he had in one of the cushions in the sofa was what he was living off of, the only thing keeping him alive these days. He knew though, that if Nick ever found out about him hiding all this money, he'd be more than dead. Niall knows now also that Nick won't be light with him, he won't be afraid to pummel him into the ground until there was nothing left of him. Ivy would probably help hide his body, help dig a whole in the British countryside or throw him off into one of the swamps and watch his corpse get dragged down to the bottom by an anchor they tied to his ankle. 

Niall wouldn't be surprised if they had planned his death, or Ivy maybe getting something all written and drawn out for Nick to look over and decline. Nick probably wanted to kill him off and forget about their past love, or whatever they had, but Niall was their life-vest, the thing holding them above water as they had nothing else to give them money. 

But Niall needed to move that god damn money, the couch cushion wasn't enough, it was going to get noticeable. Everything was old and falling apart in their flat, the new money they got every week from Niall wasn't spent on new appliances and furniture. So, soon enough there will be rips in the cushions, and the material will get worn out. The money will become obvious and soon enough Niall will be caught red-handed and everything that Ivy and Nick planned for his death will come into action. He can't afford that, not right now, not ever. 

Nick was picking up all the money again, stacking it all up and smiling in content once it was all in his hands. He noticed Niall was looking at him, side-eyeing the blond before smiling wickedly and getting up from his seat. Niall didn't act scared, hiding everything he was worried about inside of him as Nick slowly made his way towards him. 

They were almost nose to nose, Niall had to look around to see if Ivy was around, hoping she'd catch Nick's shenanigans. But then Nick's hand that wasn't holding the cash was grabbing at his chin roughly, making him look right into his eyes. 

"You're such a good pet, blondie." Nick almost moaned out, licking his lips like a hungry lion staring at it's prey. Niall kept his feet planted where they were, not daring to move away in case Ivy was about to walk in on them. If she found out Nick still had the hots for him, she'd be fuming mad.

"Ivy is asleep in our bedroom, so why don't you get on your knees and suck my d*ck yeah? Just like old times." Niall almost wanted to laugh at how dumb that sounded, or more, how desperate Nick was to get some release. He's acting as if Niall hasn't come home every other night to them f*cking in their bedroom, the one that Niall used to share with him. 

He wanted to so badly say no, slap Nick across the face or spit at him. But what good would that possibly do? He wouldn't have a choice soon enough if he waited too long, so there was nothing left for him to do but do as he was told, his fingers lightly brushing against Nick's zipper as he lowered his knees to the cold floorboards. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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