~TF2 #1~

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Misadventures of Team Fortress

This idea is probably one of my favourites I came up with. I always loved Team Fortress 2 and characthers in it, don't me started with TF2 comic.

The idea is, what if Engineer accidently makes the teleporter to teleport bread-I mean what if Engineer accidently makes a dimensional teleporter.

The thing is, Engineer doesn't know he made a dimensional teleporter. They discover it during a fight with the Blue team, in which teleporter malfunctions.

And almost everyone gets teleported expect Red Spy, Red Solider and Blue Medic. The three decide to go in and try to find their lost friends, forgeting that they don't know how to return back to their world.

And where could they end up? Well everywhere and anywhere. I decided to send them in small groups into diffrent universes. You can use mine template if you want but you can choose your own.

Red Pyro, Blue Heavy and Demoman end up in Invincible, a bloody and brutal universe, These guys really would fit in there if you think about it.

Blue Spy, Red Scout and Sniper end up in MCU- Oh wait TVA came!! Spy turns himself into police man who captures the other two? What will happen next? We will have to see.

Blue Solider, Red Engineer and Medic end up in Overwatch, Almost 200 years from the time they live in. What they gonna do when they end up in Toronto under attack??

Red Heavy, Blue Engineer and Sniper end up in DC, Gotham,but not Gotham most of people know off, this is Magistrate's city now.

Red Demoman, Blue Scout and Pyro end in G.I. Joe Universe? Well they gonna have to act as ordinary joes to attract less unwanted company.

As for Red Solider and Spy, Blue Medic... They will jump through diffrent universes until they manage to find their friends!

(Next will be me finnishing chapter 18 of my "Brother of Robin" book)

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