~DC #1~

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Jessica Cruz

Jessica Cruz in my favourite Lantern, meaning it wasn't a suprise that I will come up with a idea about Jessica. Either it is a x OC, x Reader or just a story about her.

Most of my ideas always had one thing in common, the story was about her's biggest flaw, anxiety. All the Green Lanterns had to overcome fear. And her fear is anxiety.

Living with fear

Jessica’s anxiety manifested during a hunting trip with her friends. They came across two men who were burying a body and her friends were murdered in the process.

Jessica managed to escape, but the incident traumatised her so much that she didn’t leave her apartment for four years. All that changed when she was found by the Ring of Volthoom, a device that fed off fear.

The ring took control of Jessica, subjecting her to physical and psychological torture. After Batman encouraged her to face her fears, Jessica was able to regain control.

Later on, she became a Green Lantern. Green Lanterns are picked for their ability to overcome great fear. But diffrence is, she still lives with it.

Jessica’s disorder is so debilitating that she’s found it hard to get out of bed or answer the phone. She’s constantly questioned her self-worth and believed that she’s not good enough to be a superhero.

This happened during a battle with the Red Lanterns, with Jessica thinking of herself as a failure. Her anxiety physically crippled her at the worst possible time.

 Her anxiety physically crippled her at the worst possible time

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An authentic look at anxiety.

Jessica has used coping techniques to deal with her mental illness. Some people are afraid of talking about their anxiety, but she’s chosen to be open about it.

She’s done breathing exercises to try and alleviate the physical symptoms, which include heart palpations, chest pain and panic attacks.

Jessica has also created a steady routine for herself, such as exercising and cleaning with her sister. The physical activities have helped Jessica get out of her own head, a coping mechanism that’s helped other sufferers.

Even with all her strategies, Jessica’s anxiety has continued to bother her. This is a realistic approach because anxiety isn’t something that can be defeated overnight.

It’s irrational, making a small task seem impossible to overcome.
Jessica has been able to stand up to world-ending odds and other times she’s struggled to get up in the morning.


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Now when I explained her characther and her problems being a hero and a human being, what kind of stories can you write?

If you are planning just to write a book about her, the best idea could be to write a book/fanfic about her overcoming it. A story in which she overcomes fear and then gets consumed by it again.

But with right support of her friends and her willpower, she overcomes her fear at the end of story. It started with a life changing event and ended with one, which would make it a very enjoyable read

 It started with a life changing event and ended with one, which would make it a very enjoyable read

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Or if you want to write a OC or a Reader x fanfic, then there is plenty of Ideas

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Or if you want to write a OC or a Reader x fanfic, then there is plenty of Ideas. I will give one as an example:

They could be a Blue Lantern, they met Jessica during one of Blue and Green Lantern Team-ups. They Form a friendship with Jessica. After sometime Jessica would open up about her anxiety, which they might not always understand, but they would never stop beliving in her that she can defeat it.

I think OC or Reader as Blue Lantern would be fit the best.Necessary_Chaos  explained it best in one of his books, which I reccomend to check out if you like DC stuff.

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