~R6S #1~

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Rainbow Six: 90 minutes

I read lot of Rainbow Six Seige fanfics, some bad, some good. With time, I noticed that almost all of them are the same.

-Reader or OC join Rainbow Six because of their set of skills

That is pretty normal but most of the are OP to say or kinda unrealistic, like reader is a sniper(or just normal solider) with 4000 kills, in real life, you can be lucky to even have only 1 kill.

-White Masks are the enemy, aim of stormtroopers and edgy leaders.

White Masks are the enemy but so many times they are written to look like stormtrooper army, they are global terrorist organization for Christ sake, they are organized and can attack anywhen and everywhere, They should be something like Hydra from Marvel. Feared, Unexpected, Undetected.

Okay I can talk all about flaws but in the end, most of them lack twists and stakes.

Okay now I can explain what was my idea. Main characther can be anyone you want, a reader, OC or already existing operator. I will go with reader.

Reader is on vacation, since everyone needs it and it's posible since the team already has 60(at time of writing) of the best soliders in the world. He is on vacation in North America following his nations team which is playing in the World Cup played in Mexico,USA and Canada. Of course you can give other reasons why he is there.

After a game, reader noticed something which got it attention, resulting him finding White Masks outpost and discovering some Kind of plan they have. He gets in the fight and ends up with accidental explosion of the building which caused number of deaths.

Before he could call Six, He is seen by police. Now since Reader was armed with guns after a fight. Police thinks He is one who made this mess so they start to shoot at him. Reader barely runs away from the cops, but now being in trouble as a considered  terrorist.

Now reader is on the run while being hunted by police, FBI and Rainbow Six and he needs to solve what White Masks are planning to do.

In my version, Rainbow Six is a organizaton which small number of people know about. Because of that they can fight White Masks without worrying if they get attacked by anyone or get corrupted.

Now Rainbow Six haves to capture the Reader before anyone else could because if reader gets captured, It can cause problem for the orgazation, one being knowledge of them existing being leaked to the public.

(If you wonder how I imagined it, you can read books written by  Paul-writers called
Rainbow Six: Bloodlines
Rainbow Six: November Sun)

Reader knows about it which highers the risk of who they can trust and who they can't. Now Reader could it all alone or they can get help of old friends. Team Ghost from Ghost Recon maybe. Your choice

Through the book, Reader learns that information he stole from White Masks outpost is code which White Masks use to enter their global network and other information is that they planned to make terrorist attack on day of final in city which it will be played.

Reader knows they can explain everything to his team that he accidently got into a fight and what they discovered but if they do that, White Masks could get aware of what they are doing and fall back in the shadows, stopping the closest chance they came to stopping White Masks for good.

Do you need a story idea or you have a idea but you can't come up with the plot? You can tell me in the comments and I will try to come up with one.

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