Teen!Chris Afton x Teen!Reader

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**Y/N POV**

I went to the Afton's old house, flashlight in hand. Lots of people in my school, mainly crappy teenage boys, have been saying there are ghosts in this house. And I'm going to find out for myself.

Chris, the youngest in the Afton family, was my best friend before he...anyway...I had met him in Fredbear's and I had helped him get away from his brother.


It was my birthday! I turned five today, and mom and dad let me go to Fredbear's today! I'm so excited!


"No! Stop it, PLEASE!!" I heard a boy my age say. I looked away from the two robots performing and spotted four older boys dragging a five-year-old boy into a closet. They shut him in and laughed as he screamed for help. Enraged, I grabbed six cupcakes from a nearby table and started chucking them at the boys. They started screaming themselves and ran off like babies. I think one of them actually pooped his pants, because the one in a Foxy mask was holding his butt. "BABIES!!!" I yelled at them and stuck out my tongue.

I turned back to the closet, where the boy was still banging on the door. I reached up and grabbed the doorknob, and opened the door. The boy looked at me, tears streaming down his face, and pulled me into a hug, his Fredbear plushie sitting on the ground next to him. "T-t-thank you s-s-so much..." he choked. I hugged him back tighter.

"What's your name?" I asked him. "C-Chris," He said. "I'm YN," I replied, and took his hand. "I know a place better than here. Come on!" I added and started running. he took his plushie and ran with me. We came to a small playground. "No body ever comes here. It's my favorite place!" I said. I climbed to the very highest point of the playground (the roof above the little slide platform) and helped him up. "Look it, you can see the whole neighborhood!" I said enthusiastically, and Chris looked out at the view. The last tears in his eyes rolled down his face, and then he stopped crying. "Wow," He breathed. "Pretty, right?" I replied, looking at him excitedly. "You should see this place at night!"

<End of Flashback>

Five years later, he died to Fredbear. I never went back to the place since.

I've missed him for ever. I'm now sixteen, and I'm going to see if his ghost is still here. I took a deep breath, pep talked myself for a minute, and then opened the door.

Everything was the same as it was last time I visited, but just very dusty. I coughed and waved my hand a little. I flicked my flashlight on and walked around. I went to the dining room first, then the living room, then the kitchen. No ghosts yet. I walked upstairs, checked Elizabeth's and Michael's rooms, no ghosts. Then, the moment I was dreading, I walked into Chris' room.

Memories flooded back to me in a title wave. I looked at the Freddy, Foxy, Chica and Bonnie plushies on the floor, and remembered playing with them with Chris. I remembered one night in a sleepover, we helped each other stay alive and away from the nightmares outside the doors. I remembered suffering through playing dress-up with Elizabeth with Chris. I remembered my childhood best friend that I've missed for six years.

I spotted a drawing on the floor and slowly picked it up. It was a drawing of a young boy with a black and white striped t-shirt, short brown hair and hazel eyes with another young child, with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes. On the bottom, in scraggly child-writing, it read "To ~ Y/N From ~ Chris".

That was it. That was the breaking point. I dropped the drawing, dropped to my knees and broke down in tears. I missed him so much, and it hurts even more to know he'll never come back. But then, I felt a cold hand on mine and a slightly echoed voice say, "Y/N, it's okay. I'm right here."

I looked up to see a ghost (I could tell because he was slightly transparent) boy with short, chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes. He was carrying a Fredbear plushie and he looked very familiar.

"C-c-Chris?" I said, more tears streaming down my face. The ghost boy nodded and smiled. "I've missed you, Y/N."

I reached over to hug him, but went right through him and faceplanted into the dusty blue carpet. Chris giggled a little and I said, "It's not funny." but I ended up saying. "mmmmph!" I got up, brushed the dust off my face, and asked Chris, "How come when you...uh...died, you were ten, but you look sixteen now?"

"Ghosts can pretty much do whatever they want," Chris explained. "Younger ghosts have the ability to grow up, and that's what I'm doing." (I'm just making this up, but that would be cool! XD) "Ohh," I replied. There was a minute of silence, then Chris glanced at the drawing. "Oh, my God, I remember drawing that!" He exclaimed, picking it up. "I was going to give it to you when I was going to...never mind." Chris Blushed and looked away. "Going to what?" I said, intrigued. Chris blushed a deeper red. "U-uh, I was g-going to...um...tell you....I-I h-had a c-c-crush...on you..?" He said slowly. I looked at him, surprised. "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, you don't like me back-"

"Chris." You said seriously. He stopped and looked up at you. "I was actually going to tell you I had a crush on you, but you died a week before I planned to tell you." I told him, and he blushed a deep red. "If I wasn't dead I'd kiss you." Chris whispered, and I giggled. "Tell you what, I'll come tomorrow night, and we'll go on a little date."


"Yeah, of course!"

"Oh, my God, thank you thank you thank you!" Chris started jumping up and down, and his Fredbear plushie fell out of his hands. I giggled. "I'll see you tomorrow night, Chris."

"S-see you tomorrow, Y/N."

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