What is it like to cuddle them?

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- like Freddy, he's SUPER fuzzy, so you'll just cling to his neck and waist as he walked around
- he'll pit his hands on your legs to keep you from fallingjdjejejdjjdhdbfnf

- he doesn't like cuddling much
- but when you guys do cuddle, he has to spoon you
- just how it works for him

- prefers cuddling pizza (you actually walked into the kitchen to see Chica laying on the ground with a box of pizza)
- but she will cuddle you and she is THE LITTLE SPOON
- if she is not little spoon, she will be Angy

- this dude is king of cuddles
- he's super fuzzy so you just lay on him and he doesn't mind
- one time Chica walked in and threw a pizza slice at you because she was jealous (it was delicious)

Night Guards:

- MY BBY 🥺🥺
- he's obv little spoon, and when you put your arm around him he'll grab your hand and hold while your cuddling
- sometimes he'll rub his thumb on the back of your hand, too

- he's classic so he's gotta be big spoon
- he'll wrap his arm and leg around you bc why not right?
- will sometimes whisper things in your ear just to fluster you

- he's eating while your cuddling he's gotta
- "mm, this is good! Want to try??" "You're spilling all the crumbs on me."
- he's not specifically a big or small spoon, he doesn't really care

Phone Guy
- mans will move his arm up and down your side BAHDJDJJDJDJEJRH
- his face is always in the crook of your neck

- I wish your luck
- his hands will... Wander...
- but give him some toast with blood and he'll be fine

I'm going to try to make more one shots, because I miss making them in this book

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