6. Percy Jackson

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(Hey guys! Sophiggy is back. You don't need to know that but...meh. I'm here to tell you that I've decided to update every other day. I'll be doing another story on the day I'm not doing this one. Now you don't have to wait that long!)

"One strawberry ice cream, please."

Percy was thinking for too long the cashier had to say, "Sir? What would you like?"

When he got out of his daze, he managed to mumble, "I'd like some blueberry ice cream, please."

The cashier flipped out a lid from the giant tubs of ice cream, making the light blue ice cream visible. 

"Hey," Annabeth whispered while the cashier was busy scooping the ice cream. "Don't worry. Maybe they have invisibility hats." She grinned.

"Maybe," Percy repeated, emphasizing the word more than needed. 

Annabeth nudged Percy. "Oh, come on, you don't think I saw them, too? The little kids were adorable."

"And could be super powerful monsters."

"Seaweed Brain, can your brain be filled with any more seaweed?" She shook his shoulders hard enough to make him want to double over. "They. Are. Just. A. Family."

"Monster family," Percy added.

Annabeth glared at him. "Maybe they're parents are demigods so they just made another bunch of super-powerful kids and just don't know it?"

"Monster family." Percy decided, ignoring Annabeth.

The cashier glanced at the two of them and shrugged. She placed two cups of ice cream on the glass table. "Here you go, kids."

Annabeth grabbed the cups and grabbed Percy, dragging him to a small table for two.

"Look, Seaweed Brain —"

"No, you look, Wise Girl," Percy jumped in. "These people, or non-people, or monsters, are dangerous. They could kill anyone. I'm not willing to let that happen." He sighed wistfully at his ice cream. "But I don't have time for them. Why can't we have a single day off?" he asked the sky.

The sky growled in response.

He sighed. This monster family was going into his date. He really hated the concept of interrupting now. 

"Anyway, even though I could totally kill all of those monsters with a slash, I feel like I should eat this ice cream first." He glanced at the melting blue ice cream. "After  we finish our date, we can go kill some monsters."

Annabeth scowled. "That is not an Athena move."

Percy was surprised. He thought she would like it if they actually finished a date. 

"Percy," Annabeth said, irritated. "Don't kill them. Please. Let's just have a normal day."

"Nah," Percy picked at his ice cream, refusing to meet Annabeth's intense gray eyes. "I'd feel safer knowing that those strawberry-blond demigod eating monsters are dead."

"And I'd feel terrified," she argued. "We're trying to have a normal day, Percy!"

Percy looked up, finally locking eyes with his Wise Girl. 

Not really wise right now, he thought. 

Annabeth's glare was cold, but Percy couldn't help but say, "This is as normal as it gets, Wise Girl. Unless you count a boring day like throwing rocks at sandwich-eating squirrels normal. Which isn't," he added.

"I'd love to throw rocks at squirrels," Annabeth said, her tone serious and cutting. The words of a leader. "Because if you're wrong, Percy —"

"I'm dead sure I'm not," Percy interrupted.

this wasn't written in my legacy ;; kotlc and pjoWhere stories live. Discover now