9. Keefe Sencen

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Keefe had the urge to yell, "Shut up!" at everyone, but he had a feeling that they would shut up, like, in a bad way.

Stupid, powerful power.

He sighed. "Guys. I really don't want to tell to to shut up, but I think that's a bad idea."

Foster was the only person who actually listened to him, but it was probably because she hadn't pitched in to the Dizznee fight.

"You really shouldn't," Foster agreed. "I like my voice the way it is."

Oh, Foster. Keefe was the awesome-est influence there was, wasn't he? Snarky, handsome, awesome at jokes, and handsome.


"Guys," Keefe repeated. "This really isn't time to fight over one little thing. Soon, Batman's gonna swoop over to check on how you're doing, so be your best self!" He pointed to himself and grinned.

Dex rolled his eyes. "Dude, you should be over that. Florence was, like, years ago!"

Keefe's grin widened. "I did get you to stop fighting, though."

He was right. Everyone was quiet now, staring at the boy with ice blue eyes.

But in the silence, Keefe heard Bex whisper-hiss to Lex, "What's a Batman?"

Sophie laughed softly, her hand waving around into the stalks of wheat.

They were in a human animal place, Keefe guessed, where blotchy coloured cows grazed, yelling, "Moooooo," at random times.

Kesler and Juline's faces still looked guarded, but they stayed quiet.

And Keefe could literally feel the waves of protectiveness and nervousness going around the parents. The triplets felt super giddy today, but it wasn't like Keefe saw them recently. Dex was nervous, too, like Rex finding a human device was such a big thing.

But it was. They had almost gave up the hideout. The humans could track their phones down and find it there. Thank goodness, Foster had told him, that they put it back just in time.

"Anyways," Keefe continued. "It wasn't a totally good idea to steal that device thingy, but at least we got a good look of That Boy!"

Foster snorted. "You know Grady called you that when you joined the Neverseen, right?"

Keefe felt himself pale, but he forced himself to remain cheery. Or everyone else would fall apart. He could tell, by their emotions and their faces that they were on the edge of madness, of seams falling apart slowly. "Well, it's That Boy, isn't it? That means Grady thinks I'm special!" He smiled teasingly and batted his lashes.

Foster poked him hard in the ribs.

"Owwwwww." He glared at her, hurt.

Juline sighed. "All right." She turned to the triplets. "But never  do that again!"

The triplets shrugged and ran ahead, trying to grab a leaf off Bex's hair.

Dex rolled his eyes.

"Hey, where's the safe-house?" Foster's eyes watched the triplets, but she still looked concentrated on looking for the refuge.

Kesler smiled. "You'll know it when you see it."

"Oh great," Keefe groaned. "That's never good."

Foster ignored him. "Who's at the refuge?"

Juline paused for a minute, frowning at Lex, who was using his Froster abilities to catch up with Bex. There were distant yells of, "That's hardly fair!" and "Wait up!" from Rex.

this wasn't written in my legacy ;; kotlc and pjoWhere stories live. Discover now