11. Keefe Sencen

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(A/N: Okay, I'm going to say something. Anything in my story that is like any other fanfiction on Wattpad or anywhere is just a coincidence, and I'm sorry if it sounds like someone else's story. Just gonna say.)

"So, to summarize," Keefe said. "We're doomed."

Edaline didn't like the sound of that, Keefe could tell. "Not necessarily. Maybe we can... ask them for help if they're not hostile?"

The last half an hour ago, Edaline and Grady had stumbled outside to see their daughter, and both of them almost hugged Foster to death.
It had made feel about his parents, and how they were never there for his victories, for his pranks. And even better, his mom turned out to be a creepy psychopath and wanted him to join her cult after he had run away, and THEN Foster came to —yay! save the day! —help him and then it all resulted in them getting imprisoned. Such a fairy tale.

"But the thing is," Marella told her. "How can we possibly know they're hostile or not? And also, they can't see through obscurers, right?"

Foster's brow scrunched up in concentration. "That's right. The boy didn't see us when Rex brought back the phone."

Tam cleared his throat. "Uh, come again? What's a phone?"

"Oh, right." Foster sighed. "The human device Rex found."
She seemed to shrink with all the eyes with her, and even though Keefe knew Foster was an awesome leader —hence the name Lady Fos-boss —she always seemed under pressure. And now, there were a lot of eyes on her. Including Bangs Boy and his twin sister, Marella plus family, Wylie plus family plus Tiergan, and everyone plus family. And Keefe plus no one.

"I think we should keep quiet," Marella said, shrugging. "Elves have kept quiet about themselves for so long, and now we just break it by just telling our secret?" She narrowed her eyes, the ice blue glinting with mischievousness. "I don't think so."

A lot of people, including Foster, nodded, but Keefe wanted to say something.

"What if we spy on them? Y'know, like we watch what they are doing and then we see if they are bad guys or not?"

Blur didn't look comfortable in the plan —at least, that's what Keefe thought, with the swirling colours of a slouching body. "Spying isn't the best," he told them.

"It isn't," Linh agreed. "I've been thinking about that too. But the way Sophie described the boy's look when he was near them, she said he looked in pain, or in other words, dizzy, maybe. If we spy on them, there could be a chance they can sense us."

Keefe sighed. "Okay, so that's off the list."

"I...may have an idea, but I'm not so sure you'll like it." Kesler fiddled with his coat.

All eyes turned to Dex's dad, and everyone could tell he liked his voice to be heard, but didn't quite enjoy the spotlight.

"What if..." His voice faltered. "What if we trick them?"

There were giant waves of shock and confusion,coming from Foster and Edaline's side especially, but Keefe wasn't surprised.

Keefe smiled softly, trying to ignore the overwhelming flood of emotions from the others. "I think that's a great idea."

"Tricking people?" Tam asked, the shadows on his face darkening. "I think you love it because that's what you do the most."

"And also what I do best," Keefe added, just before he saw a silhouette running towards the fountain of water-and-only-water.
Linh had made the fountain bowl with water, and then added gentle, friendly water to make it more lively. In Keefe's opinion, it was awesome.

this wasn't written in my legacy ;; kotlc and pjoWhere stories live. Discover now