10. Percy Jackson

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Percy really didn't like being left out of this secret. How did these people get to a rural place? Teleporting? Portals? Percy was pretty sure those weren't a thing in Greek mythology.

"I'd like to know their secret," he said out loud. "So I could go to New Rome in, like, three seconds."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "We can ask for their secret when we bring them to camp. Chiron would be happy to see them safe first."

"Wait," Piper asked. "So, we kidnap these kids and then talk to them later? I'm kinda against kidnapping."

Jason frowned at the pictures of the triplets. "You still didn't tell us the whole story."

Annabeth shared a look with Percy. "Yeah, we didn't."

Percy told them about the weird godlike radiation of power that went off these beings, and the blond boy they had seen in the ice cream shop.

"Sounds like monsters," Jason remarked.

Percy punched the air triumphantly. "See what I mean?" 

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "They sound like monsters, but they're not. Percy told me they were talking about a refuge. And Percy told me they were talking about demigods."

"What—" Piper's eyes widened, her multicoloured eyes shining blue and green. "We can't kidnap them. There could be families! We can't kidnap their kids."

Percy snorted. "We get kidnapped by monsters all the time."

"This is different!" Annabeth cut in. "They're new at this! They probably don't know how to defend themselves!"

"And how about the parents?" Percy knew there was a low chance they could be monsters, but it sounded pretty creepy.

Annabeth paused for a moment, then she blurted, "New Rome!"

Percy blinked. "What?"

"It could be like New Rome," Annabeth continued. "Except it's another camp where everyone lives like that, not just Romans."

"In that case," Piper murmured. "What if we tell Chiron about it, and we can go back and forth?"

"It's literally just like Camp Jupiter but in another location," Jason pointed out.

Annabeth shrugged. "I think it's worth a try."

"But—" Percy frowned. It would be awesome, actually, if they were Greek demigods who already had a home a grew up to have families without monsters attacking them. Could be even better than Camp Jupiter. "But why do we have to? Can't we still think of the fact that they could be looking for demigods to kill? Or that they set up a camp to group up?"

Annabeth's grey eyes blazed with determination. "They said refuge, Percy. They're running away from something. I know it. And I have a plan to help them."


Percy didn't like this.

It was weird, and hunting for monsters/demigods/no-one-knows was harder than expected. How were you supposed to find some group of whatever-they-were in the middle of the country side? It wasn't like they would just be like "Poof! We're back, losers!" and tell them where their addresses were.
No, that was stupid.

Jason decided to come with him, seeing as the girls didn't like the idea of everyone being monsters.

They trudged through the stalks of wheat, and in the distance Percy could see Blackjack flying around.

Hey, thanks, man.

Percy could hear Blackjack's whinny from there. No problem, boss. Just gonna get those donuts when I land.

this wasn't written in my legacy ;; kotlc and pjoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora