Chapter 2

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𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑃𝑂𝑉

"Mi amor?" I whisper. "Is that you?" The goat hybrid smiles slightly, and opens his arms. I run into them, hugging my lost husband. "I missed you." My words are muffled by his suit, but he hugs me anyway. 

"I know." He says simply. I laugh a bit, then let go of him. I take a glance at the cave he led me to and gasp. The candle light makes the place seem majestic. It's decorated like our old mansion room. I can't see behind Schlatt, since he's 6'3, but the rest of the makeshift bedroom is amazing. 

"When did you have time to make this?" I back up from Schlatt for a better view of the place. 

"A week with no one messing with you has its advantages." He walks towards what looks like a bar, and pulls out a drink. I shudder a bit, before walking towards him. 

"Drinking?" I ask as he pours it into a wine glass. He looks up at me in surprise before laughing his maniacal laugh. Oh, how I missed that laugh. 

"Nope. Drinking has no effect when you're dead. Lost my addiction because of it. Kind of nice, after a week. The first days were hell, though. I was pouring it for you." 

"No, thanks. Can't stand the smell of it anymore." He shrugs, drinking the wine, before pulling out a lighter and cigarette. "Can still smoke?" He nods, lighting the addicting stick, before smoking a bit. My nose expects the all-to-familiar smell, but it doesn't come. I give Schlatt a questioning look, and he chuckles a bit.

"They were in my pocket when I died. They aren't physical. Only ghosts of what once was. Like me." I think of Ghostbur, and his memory problem. My smile falters, and Schlatt notices. "What's wrong?" 

"Do you... not remember anything? Ghostbur doesn't remember L'Manberg blowing up, and-" I cut off as Schlatt keels over, and starts laughing. "What?" 

"Ghostbur remembers everything! He just lies so people won't cause bad memories to come to mind." I stand in shock. Never knew that. "How are your fiancé's?" Schlatt spits acid when he talks of my former best friends, now fiancé's. I sigh, remembering how protective, jealous, and possessive he used to be. 

"Karl and Sap are fine." Schlatt rolls his eyes. "But, they seem worried. Just this morning I had an anxiety attack because Sapnap made tamales." He seems surprised by this. 

"That's what I made you." I nod. "Why did you start having an anxiety attack?" 

"Reminded me too much of you, I guess." Schlatt rolls his eyes, then walks to another room. He hasn't changed much. I follow him and find him in an obsidian room, covered head to toe with totems of the undying. "What the..." 

"I've had a lot of time. I have kind of a radar for gold things, like ghostbur has a radar for blue things. Totems are easiest to find." I just stand in shock. He opens a chest and pulls out rings and blocks of gold. "Want some?" He asks as if it's natural to have gold blocks inside of chests. 

"Uh... sure?" He hands them to me and I put them in my inventory. I take the time while he's distracted to look at him closer. Giant white horns, wrinkled suit, small stubble beard and side burns, brown and gold eyes, weird ram pupil, and floppy goat ears. Same as always, except for the eye change. Compared to him, I've change a lot. I take off my gray mask and touch the scar, running my hand from my now blind eye to my ruined mouth. Stupid Techno. Schlatt looks up and his eyes go wide.

"What. The. Fuck." 


"What the hell did someone do." I realize he saw my scar and I quickly put the mask back on.

"Uhm... Techno... put a pickaxe through my teeth and up to my eye." Schlatt looks as if he's going to kill someone. 

"Stupid pig. Does it hurt?" I shake my head. "Good." He turns back to his chest, and I spot two very important accessories missing from his person. 

"Where is your ring." Schlatt looks up, as if he can't remember, then comes to a realization. 

"In my room. Must of not put it on today. Wait... is it? I don't remember. Maybe. You can check." I nod. Given that this cave looks like our bedroom, I head towards where I know the bed will be. On the desk beside the perfectly made bed, is our wedding ring. I slip it into my pocket. Two important things Schlatt forgot. Our wedding ring, and a bee earring that Tubbo gave him. Back when he was being a father to him. Back before Phil. He never takes it off. Too afraid to lose it. I head back to the room filled with gold, and see Schlatt opening his inventory, seemingly searching for something. I head back over to him.

"Here." I take out the ring, forcing it into his hand. He looks down for a second.

"Thanks." He slips the beautiful red and black ring onto his finger. It's right next to the Manberg one.

"Where is the bee earring you never take off?" Schlatt pauses, probably thinking of what happened to it. He messes with our wedding ring on his finger.

"What bee earring?"


My friend, Scarpbaby666 has been yelling at me to get this done, so here you go, you little shit. It's not as great as I want it to be, but I needed to finish it somewhere. I'm gonna take a break from writing this for a bit, so bye. Might write some Jschlackity in my other book, the Hybrid AU one, so go check out that one if you haven't. Bye!

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