Chapter 5

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𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑃𝑂𝑉

Finally, I'm out of the hospital. Eret is taking me home, and, as always, they are looking fabulous doing it. Today, he chose to wear a beautiful sky blue dress with clouds near the top. She is humming a song, and I realize it's one I recognize. He hummed it when he cooked. 

"Hey Eret?" They stop walking, looking down towards me. 

"Yes, Quackity?" I hesitate. He tends to be a sensitive subject with the SMP. I have no idea what Eret's relationship was with him.

"What was your relationship with him?" Eret freezes. She seems to know what I meant. He seems to be in a world of her own. They have a far off look, and start smiling. 

"Which house?" I look up at the ex-king in confusion.


"The mansion or your house with your fiancé's?" I pause. Does he know I've been spending time at the mansion?

"Mansion." Eret nods, and starts in the direction of his and I's old house. 


His steps are much farther and faster than mine, as he has longer legs and has a faster pace. I can barely keep up. We arrive at my old house in record time, the noon sun shining right above it. 

"It's so beautiful..." I whisper. Eret heads inside, but I linger at the door. Many memories, both good and bad, flood my mind. Helping him cook, having a party, all by ourselves, cuddling on the couch. Then the bad ones flood in. Being slapped, broken glass being thrown, other ideas. Things I would rather not talk about. I quickly walk inside before that memory, a thing I'd rather forget, shows up too. 

Eret is making coffee. I remember just how he liked it. With his attitude, you would've thought black, but he really liked the sweet kind. Couldn't stand the black, he said. 

"Would you like it the way John liked it?" I stop in my tracks. John? Who the fuck is John?

"Who is John." 

"Oh, forgive me. I get the names mixed up. Would you like it the way your husband liked it?" 

"Uhm. Sure? How do you know what kind he liked?"

"That is a subject for when the coffee is done." Soon, Eret places two mugs. One for me, one for him. Mine is very light, and it is the exact shade of his favorite coffee. 

"So. About the coffee thing-" Eret cuts me off. 

"Hello, Johnathan."I roll my eyes. Who the hell is this Jonathan guy? A shadowy figure enters my vision, and I see Schlatt. 

"Hey Al." Schlatt sits next to me. The couch doesn't move to take his weight. He doesn't weigh anything. "What were my two favorite men talking about?" I stare at the ghost while Eret rolls her eyes.

"How I know you." Schlatt nods. He motions for Eret to continue.

"How do you know him?" Schlatt let's out a sort of chuckle.

"How dont we know eachother? Al, just start from the beginning." Eret nods, smiling at the ghost sitting next to me. I shoot him a glare, to which he stops smiling. 

"Well, Schlatt and I have been through hell and back basically. Fake girlfriends, terrible parents, really anything you can think of. We grew up together. Even dated for a time. That's why you had such a solid relationship with the Greater Dream SMP and Neutral Lands when you were vice president. It's funny, because people say Tubbo is following in Schlatt's footsteps, Tommy following in Wilbur's, when they are really following in ours. Regretfully move themselves away from eachother, and eventually, they will find eachother again." Schlatt nods throughout this, while I just sit confused. 

"I am not following." Schlatt rolls his golden and brown eyes. "So you have known eachother for a long time?"

Eret nods. "Since childhood. Grew up in Aphatia."

Schlatt laughs. "I had a crush on you back then. Still hate Rieka." To this, Eret rolls his eyes.

"Get over it John. In your words, be a man." Schlatt pulls a pouty face, to which I laugh, and Eret scolds him like a mother. 

"Whatever. You broke my heart like Melissa did." Eret rolls his eyes, I think. I can't tell beneath the glasses. 

"Dumbass. What did I say? She was a gold digger."

"Yeah, yeah. She left the moment she found out that Tobias had dyslexia. She also argued with me when she found out I was bi. I'm gay, but its whatever now. She's probably dead by some hunters who sold her wings on the black market." I look up at my dead husband. 

"Who was she?" Schlatt seems surprised by my question. He hesitates with his answer. 

"She was... an ex-partner. Bee hybrid. My son's mom." I go silent. In all honesty, I had forgotten about Tobias, the lost son. 

"Well, I need to get going. I'm glad we talked. Goodbye!" Eret gets off of the couch, taking the dishes, dropping them in the sink, and leaving. 

"So why did you come here?" I ask Schlatt. He shrugs.

"I can't see my Sugar Pumpkin without a reason?" I roll my eyes at the nickname. 

"You normally have a reason, but no. You don't. I have work to do, though. See you." I leave the mansion. Tomorrow will be annoying. The festival and shit. I'll have to keep an eye out. I wonder how Tommy is doing in exile...



𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑎𝑑𝑒 | 𝐽𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑦 |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora