Joe's moving in😌🤚✨

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                          Joes pov

                        Chapter 4

                    Joe's moving in

        I woke up to the warmth and safety of my trash in my little trash hut.

        I woke up to the warmth and safety of my trash in my little trash hut

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Then I heard the sound of the man who fell on me yesterday and he was saying, ¨I cannot wait to go to work and get them tasty free toenails.¨ As he sprinted to his car. That man really loves his toenails. I see the weird man drive away definitely going over the speed limit to get to his job. I wonder where he works. It must be a nice place to work at because I think work is soap. Soap = Horrible, except the garbage men they are so cool. When I was about to steal my food back from the rats that I stole it from last night , I saw a blonde woman wearing a disgusting yellow skirt and white shirt, with a sweater. She looks so neat it made me want to throw up with ker keys jingling. “ARE YOU THE GARBAGE MAN??!!” The lady asks. “I wish i was :(“ I remember applying to be a garbage man and being accepted, but they said I was not a good fit because I kept stealing the garbage out of the trucks to pour the bags of trash out into my parents basement inside my fly infested room.¨Have you seen the toenail eating guy?¨ she asks. ¨No. I don't know that guy.¨ ¨Shame.¨ Then the woman walks off. I then remember that weird man said that he was coming back today. Will he find me? Maybe I should move in! Yes, that is a great idea! I run to get all my trash and pack. I pack my suitcase = garbage bag with...

     My belongings   

-Blanket = Raggy towel

-Rat = The rat

-Coffee mug =  Plastic cup (it has a hole in it)

- Bags of neighbors trash = almost being arrested

- Jar of toenails = For the strange man


I then take my suitcase and bags of trash from my trash hut to his apartment. I find the one that he came out of and see that it is just wide open! TRASH TRASH TRASH! SO easy. I soon get my suitcase and the bags of trash into his apartment. But getting everything in the apartment made me really thirsty. So I open my suitcase and get my coffee mug. I walk to his fridge and open it to see what is inside. Surely he won't mind. I see in the fridge there is : orange juice but I hate orange juice but there is also a container filled with a clear but kind of white liquid. I start to wonder if I should drink it because it does not have a label. But I am really thirsty so I start to pour the liquid into my cup when it spills all over me. I don't know what to do. Maybe that man has some shirts I can use. After all, I am letting him eat my toenails. So I go to his closet and see if he has any shirts I like. I see a light blue shirt with the word ¨Toenail Lover¨ written on it in white letters. Man that guy is weird. I put the shirt on and it is a little small on me. (Looks like a crop top.) I also see a red silk robe that has ¨Toenails¨ written on it with a picture on a toe on the pocket. I put the robe on and make myself at home. I get all my trash and scatter it all over his apartment. Ahhhh it finally feels like home. I think that strange man will appreciate all this trash.


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