The hottie in the coma🤩✨

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Heather, Joe, Mom, Mike, and Mackenzies pov

                           Chapter 9

     We got a hot patient today. He did a flip off a building and went into a coma. He is such a daredevil! That's sooo hot. He has black glossy hair that makes my heart beat like I got run over by a bus. UGH who made such such a hot human being. How luckyy am I to be chosen to be the nurse to take care of him!! Is this hospital or heaven? Cause I'm looking at an angel! I am definitely asking him out when he gets out of his coma. To kiss the lips of an angel I can only dream. It's 6:00pm and he got here at 5:20pm. I am supposed to check on him every hour! 20 minutes to go! Until I get to see that hottie again ,Yum.

                      20 minutes later

     I look at the clock and it says 6:20pm! My heart starts beating so fast and I run to his room. Even if he is in a coma, looking at that beautiful face is just AHHHHHH! It's amazing. I get to his room and I see his smile. OMG!!!! He is so HOT! I ran over to his bed and found out he was smiling because he just crapped all over the bed. It stunk like no other crap. OMG! I think I'm in love! He is just so amazing. He poops like no other man! I stay in there staring at him and changing the bed sheets for

the next 20 minutes then I hear the head nurse call me back to the desk. Goodbye my angel. Until we meet again. In 39 minutes and 34 seconds.


     I walked into the hospital to find the weird man because I heard he flipped off the roof. Does he do that alot? I go to the desk and see a nurse. Her name tag says Heather. I describe the man and she says that's Steven/Her new boyfriend. Wow so soon. She also says he is in room 302. I walked in the room and sat in the chair beside his bed. It kinda stinks in there. I start to tell him about how he doesn't have a job anymore because I told his boss that he steals toenails from them. Then I rubbed my toenails in his face for 16 minutes. That was the most joy I had experienced since I moved in with him. I then saw Heather skipping gleefully in the room. When she saw me with my toenails on Stevens face she freaked out and called security to kick me out and ban me from the hospital. She wanted them to arrest me but they said that was not necessary. As I was being escorted out of the room I saw that I had left black toe prints on his face from the dirt on my feet on his trashy face.


      When I heard my son flipped off a roof and went into a coma I truthfully wasn't surprised. He does stuff like that alot. The newspaper did a whole article about it. When I heard he was here I had to see him. Even though I don't approve of his toenails I still love him. I sit next to him

and wipe off the dirt on his face then I say,¨ Sweetie, listen to me. We love you very much and I just want to say we haven't  been completely honest with you since you left, You have a younger sister named Mckenzie and she is our favorite child. She be bussin bussin as a kid.¨ It felt good to get that off my chest. I wonder where she is now? She ran away because she didn't like the way I made her ramen. I stay there a few more minutes and then I leave.

                  Mike the male nurse

I'm called into room 302 because the guy in there crapped his bed. AGAIN! People usually don't even use the bathroom while they're in a coma but this guy did twice. I start to walk to his room when I see Heather holding a red jello cup. Man she is so pretty. I wish she was mine. ¨Where are you going?¨ I asked her. ¨Room 302 to give him this jello cup.¨ ¨He can't eat. He's in a coma.¨ I said. ¨Yeah but It's mandatory.¨ ¨Here I'm going there too. Let me take that for you.¨ I offer. ¨No! ... I mean I wouldn't want to be a bother.¨ ¨No you wouldn't be.¨ I say. ¨Fine.¨ I take the jello cup and walk to room 302. I get there and it is STANKY. I cleaned him up, then set the jello cup on his table. I looked at his face and he had a dumb grin. ¨Stupid.¨ I called him as I left.


      I went to the hospital because I heard they have good ramen. I started to make my way to the cafeteria when I heard this nurse talking about a guy with black glossy hair named Steven who flipped off the roof of his apartment building. Steven. I heard that name before. WAIT. That's my brother! I also heard her say that he was in room 302 so I went down there and saw many people come in. The nurse who obviously has a crush on him, an old guy who looks like he should be a garbage man, Mom, and a male nurse who didn't seem to like my brother. After a while I walk in to bring him some spicy ramen. I like ramen. I look at him and see he looks just like me. We both have black hair and we have the same facial features. This is definitely my brother! RAMEN RAMEN RAMEN! It has been a while and the ramen will get cold soon. I wonder if he has eaten since he flipped off the building ,so I do the only thing I can do. Stuff the spicy ramen down his throat.  He started to shake. Is he waking up?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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